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For the last week, Annalise's ankles had gotten better, the bondage was removed a day ago by Pomfrey, and today, she felt as though she can finally walk.

She sat in the Great Hall, alone in the Ravenclaw row as it was still very early.

Annalise had managed to limp her way towards the Great Hall, earlier before anyone woke up. Though she wobbled with every steps she took due to her newly healed ankle, she was relief she can now, once again, depend on her own feet.

It was embarassing enough when students gawk at her everytime Harry, Ron, Ginny or even Malfoy piggyback her on her way to her class, to the Great Hall during meal sessions, in the library and back to Malfoy's bed chamber.

Some students concluded she was sleeping with all of them, which has given her such a shock that she almost went ballistic during Double Potions, Ronald and Hermione had to grab her wrist and cover her mouth to prevent her from shouting at the two girls from across the class who acclaimed she was sleeping with Harry, Ron, Ginny and Malfoy.

Thank goodness Slughorn was too engrossed with chatting to Harry about his wolfsbane potion.

Even more worse, everyone thought that Graham Montague was simply expelled from Hogwarts because of his low marks in all of his subjects.

No one actually knew Mcgonagall expelled him because he practically almost raped Annalise that night at the senior students' party.

No one.

Except for Annalise's friends and Malfoy, but she bet Malfoy told his cronies about Montague and how he save a mudblood from getting rape, not surprising because he feeds off of compliments and praises.

She badly wants to tell everyone that Montague was a abhorrent, nasty, disgusting little rapist.

Annalise recalled the way his hands travelled up her legs and her lips latched on her neck; she shuddered with horror, feeling nauseous just even thinking about his hands on her.

It was a surprise that she hadn't been traumatized by nearly getting rape by a fellow classmate, she reckon it's all due to her strong mind that prevented her from being scared and mortified.

Strong mind.

But it feels as though her strong mind is slipping away, leaving only emptiness and weakness.

She lazily took one grape from her plate and to her mouth, savouring it without any energy.

Lately everything just seems to tire her out, she had no appetite to eat, no energy to do homeworks, she felt as though life was completely useless.

Maybe it was the longingness of needing her mother that was draining her both physically and mentally.

Or perhaps the forehead kiss Malfoy recently gave her that almost caused her heart to shatter in shock.

Either way it was messing up with her mind.

It pained her even more when she came to realize she can't really depend on her friends forever, she can't cry on their shoulder whenever she just want and rant about her dead mother and her father who had left them, and her cruel brother.

She came to realize Harry experince far worse than she had, he had seen the deaths of the people he loves and cherish.

He saw how they fell on the ground lifeless after their enemies struck them with dark magic, he had seen his friends get tortured, had to go through the death of his grandfather, his father's bestfriends, the head master whom he treated like his own guardian, be bullied all his life by Malfoy and several others, including a teacher.

To my Roommate, Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now