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Two years later

“Addy! Addy! Get down from there!” Annalise sprinted up the marble staircase, before knocking agressively on Adelaine's door. “You're going to be late, Addy, wouldn't want to miss the train now, would you?” she stated harshly, and suddenly, the door opened before her eyes.

Adelaine was already wearing her Hogwarts uniform, except for the black robes. With a sigh, Annalise leaned forward and fixed the green necktie around Addy's throat, it amused her how tall Adelaine grew in those two years of time ― the younger sister was six inches shorter than Annalise.

“Got your trunk ready?” Annalise asked, and her question was answered after seeing the oak wood trunk sitting next to Adelaine's leg, “How about Mercy?”

“I released her just now.” Adelaine responded, voice a little high-pitch but denser, long gone the baby voice most people adored from her. And even her appearance changed, the horn-rimmed glasses she wore was gone, and her hair grew longer, a bit bushy but in place. “She'll find her way to Hogwarts.”

Annalise nodded, “Good.” after checking Adelaine's clothes one last time, she turned and set off down the stairs. “Draco's waiting for you downstairs, he'll take you to King's Cross ―”

“Apparition?” Adelaine asked with a hint of fright as they landed on the main floor of their new house, it was a three-level house, with daisies blooming in their garden, iron-wrought fence covering every acre of land, a backyard full of bowtruckles that lived in short trees, and five rooms fitting in three landings. it was a wide home for three people ― Annalise, Adelaine and Draco.

But for Draco, it was just enough.

“Nope.” a voice of a man was heard in the living room as they passed, Draco was sitting in one of the chairs surrounding a glass table, he was munching on a tuna sandwhich, his plate was filled with fruits and tarts. “Figured you might throw up with Apparition, so we'll use a portkey.”

“That's still the same!” Adelaine nagged.

“Sit down Addy and eat up, you have twenty minutes before the train leaves.” Annalise retaliated and plopped the fried eggs from the pan and in each of their plates, “I have a free leave today, work's hard, me and the others have been trying to study some magical properties on number 11, quite a struggle with all these people trying to ask about their future, they don't understand Arithmancy is very different from seeing the inner eye.”

Draco suddenly choked on his pumpkin juice, “Addy, is Professor Trelawney still teaching?” he asked, wiping the juice off his mouth with a napkin.

Adelaine, who was spreading marmalade to her toast using a butter knife, looked up at Draco just as Annalise sat next to him. “Yeah, divination, I'm taking her class this year, all third years are required to, said the Head Mistress.” then she took a bite out of her food.

Annalise piled her plate with sausages and toasts with peanut butter, eyes darting at the near wall clock. “I'd tell you not to believe everything Professor Trelawney says ― every year she predicts a student dies ― none of those predictions were proven true, so don't be scared ― alright off you go, you have fifteen minutes left, I'll send your Hogsmeade form via owl-post, and I'll send you sweets and cakes ― take your robes, coat and tut tut.”

Adelaine and Draco scrambled to take their belongings, and as he passed the doorstep and out into the open, he stopped briefly, turned around and place a short kiss on Annalise's lips. “I'll see you in a bit, also, we're going shopping today ― Diagon Alley, wear something nice darling.”

To my Roommate, Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now