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Minty breaths fanned her skin as his face ghosted a few inches over her. His hands that were gripping her wrists had pushed her more firmer against the wall, and his knees locked her way of escape.

"You're making me so fucking mad, Beaufort" She can feel the rage, undermining the coldness of tone in his voice.

It took all strength for her not to flinch at his sudden vulgar.

She almost forgot he was a murderer.

Malfoy then slowly loosened his grip around her wrists, one hand went to brush her jaw, as though surveying her skin. He look utterly intimidating that Annalise couldn't help but fell silent by his actions.

His shoulders took a heave, and his eyes locked with her, scintillating a deathly glint. "So fucking precious and So So Innocent, How is it that I want to kill you and taste you at the same time?"

Don't melt. Don't melt. Don't melt. Don't melt. Annalise reminded herself.

He's a homicidal man, he was a deatheater, he was a bad guy, don't fall for it.

He will act like none of this happened the next day and would be more cruel to her, he will messed up her mind again leaving her confuse and mad. So she kept on reminding herself not to melt.

Then he completely released her grip on her. But still kept close, he never took a step back, never lower his intimidation, never backed off.

Don't melt. Don't melt. Don't Melt.

Malfoy scoffed, before slipping his hand in the pocket of his robes, then he took out a flower, leveling it to his face.

White rose with a shield charm. Her White Rose ― Dean's White Rose.

Annalise felt her hand yearning to slap Malfoy's cheek so hard that if she did, it would've leave an imprint of her palm.

She stare at the White Rose, it remained undamaged and unwithered, still detect with the shield charm she casted.

Then she glare up at Malfoy "How dare you steal my belonging" she tried to keep her anger at bay however she was failing.

Her hand reached out to snatch it from him however he quickly pulled his hand away, and his other one went up to her throat, wrapping his fingers at her skin, slightly squeezing her against the wall. "Now now Beaufort, I didn't know this flower means so much to you" he was amused.

Annalise had only one thing in her mind, to get the White Rose back. She appreciated the flower than anything else.

She gulp, and he felt it as his hand was wrap around her throat. Then he inches closer, and closer, and closer, his eyes were dark, as though he was thinking of malicious thoughts. "Dean Thomas gave you a fucking flower and you're all giddy about it?"

"Pathetic" He scoffed.

Then without hesitation he pressed his lips against hers. It wasn't soft, it wasn't gentle.

He wasn't claiming her, he wasn't trying to make her like him, the way he kissed her, it seem as though he just wants to prove that this was how to make a girl feel giddy.

He was merely showing her.

He was just playing with her like a toy, and she doesn't know why she's letting him.

As his lips moves against her, she took all her strength not to kiss him back, determined not to melt from his addicting scent, trying not to get loss in the smell of his aftershave.

But when Annalise was finally losing her restraint, when she was finally about to kiss him back, Malfoy took a step back.

Leaving her empty.

To my Roommate, Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now