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The moment Annalise woke up, she found Malfoy still peacefully sleeping next to her. The space between them became wider. She look at the clockwork in his bedside table, and immediately get up after reading seven o'clock.

Malfoy usually wakes around seven thirty, and she doesn't want to stick around with him awake, she'll avoid him as far as she can.

She went to the bathroom and took a shower, then she change into her uniforms and her black billowing robes with her blue and bronze house crest.

She heave some of the strands of her hair in the back and pinned them with bobby pins, then she grab her wand and her book bag and left.

The second she set foot in the opened gates of the Great Hall, she saw her friends, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Harry and Luna sitting next to each other in the Gryffindor Row. She made her way towards them and sat in between Luna and Ginny.

"Goodmorning" Luna's sweet voice beamed, and Annalise gave the blonde girl a kiss on the cheek and a hug before replying goodmorning.

"Ginny, have you ask Dean yet?" Harry ask, the side of his lips was smeared with mayonnaise from his sandwhich.

Ginny giggled, took a napkin and wipe the mayonnaise off of Harry's face before answering. "Not yet, I am actually very uncomfortable with asking Dean about it"

Hermione snorted "Oh come on he was your ex boyfriend, you shouldn't be anxious"

Ginny shook her head "Me and Dean didn't end on a good note, Mione. He was rather pissed off when I tried to break up with him, but I guess he got around lately, especially after the war"

Annalise studied Ginny.

When Ginny and Dean were together, they hardly argue in front of people, she wonder if they had secretly fight behind doors.

She wonder if Dean was toxic, but the way he treats her, the way he was so kind and understanding makes him seem like a nice guy.

Oh well. She hope he is.

Annalise is none the wiser.

She never had any boyfriend after Cedric, and she haven't really thought about having one. The hook-up with George meant nothing, they were both at their drunken state when that happen during halloween. Then, snogging Blaise ― it was out of stress during their sixth year.

Nothing More, Nothing Less.

That is why, Annalise, is none the wiser.

After contemplating for a bit, she gather the courage to question her bestfriend. "Ginny.." Annalise faltered, eyes darting between the redhead and her plate. "Is Dean a nice guy?" she proceeded to ask.

Ginny chuckle lowly "Nice guy? Yeah." she flatly answer. "But he can be a bit demanding ― he wanted too much, he wanted me to skip my classes and snog him in his dorm, he wanted me out of the team so instead of practicing I'd always be with him, he wants me to skip holidays with my family so I can stay with him over the weeks. He wants me to stop talking to Harry, he wants me to wear this and do this and do that ― And you know I can't do that. He's stripping my freedom away"

Annalise nodded stiffly.

Demanding? Stripping her freedom away? What exactly happened between Ginny and Dean back then? Whatever that is, Annalise only hoped Dean changed. Ginny said he got around after the war, he probably changed since then.

Annalise then stuffed her plate with some eggs and toasted bread. She look over her shoulder and just in time,  Malfoy came strutting inside the Great Hall as though he own the place. 

To my Roommate, Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now