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Living in the Manor with Draco and the others wasn't that terrible than Annalise thought, however, it wasn't that blissful either. Her sickening problems had spread to all ears in the Manor, including those who she seeked help with.

They knew now what Annalise had went through to gain her sister back, though she didn't want anyone to know, she figured it's best to atleast informed those who have been a great help.

Despite not fully enjoying her glorious time in Malfoy Manor, Annalise was glad to see Adelaine relishing the short moment of living in a wealthy's home, where she can be served 'till her heart's content. It pleases her heart seeing Adelaine so joyful without constantly worrying about her well-being, it was indeed a huge relief for her.

Three nights has passed, but Annalise wanted to leave the Manor already.

She wasn't use to depend on a man, for all her life the only person she could depend on, was herself. So having everything serve in front of her with a single order felt so odd. Even more odd now that she has a hundred thousand galleons in her vault. She felt as though she failed being independent now that Draco's willing to give her everything, it wasn't exactly how she wants her life to turn out. All she ever wanted before, new clothes, money, all the luxury items was suddenly given to her by Draco, the peculiarity was astounding, thus the reason she wanted to leave.

Plus, she still has some personal  matters to fix.

Regardless of the ongoing hatred and crashing between her and her brother, Adam, Annalise couldn't help but feel responsible for the outcome of her brother's life. She hasn't heard anything about him at all, but figured it's best not to hear anything about him considering he might be furious with her.

Afterall, Adam was pretty loyal to his two-faced wife. Annalise couldn't blame him, she too was a fool, loving the man who'd hurt her, and now she had a heavy feeling that this habit will go down to generations of her family if she will ever have one.

“Annie?” a soft voice called her out, Annalise look over her shoulder and found Adelaine holding what seem like a letter, but before she could even ask who it belong to, Adelaine hastily slipped it inside the pocket of her royal dress. “What're you doing outside? It's quite cold..” Addy said as she move forward.

“And what are you staring at?”

Annalise didn't even notice she had been staring quite intensely at King and Queen, Draco's thestrals, for hours on end now. “Erm ― do you know what thestrals are, Adelaine?” she queried, knowing Addy can't see these magnificent creatures.

Addy nodded her head with heavy curiosity. “Yeah, Luna told me what they are, but I don't really believe her because others say she is an oddity.”

With a furrowed eyebrow, Annalise retaliated, “Hey, Luna is not an oddity, she is unique. And for the record Thestrals are real. Only those who had seen people die can see them, and you Addy have not seen death.” when she realizes what Addy was going to retaliate, Annalise quickly cutted her off, “And no, deaths of insects and amphibians are not included, it should be the deaths of human beings ― and I've seen a lot of people die...”

Adelaine looked at the blackness and nothingness in their surroundings as they stood upright out of the Manor house, and she stared up at her sister with complete wonder. “Are you sure there are thestrals here?”

To my Roommate, Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now