A D A M ' S P I Q U E

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Packing has never been such a relief to Annalise, until now. She placed her Ravenclaw uniforms on the very top of her opened trunk above the piles of clothes, it was the uniforms Draco brought for her. The uniforms she'll be setting on fire when she get's home.

She sat on his king-size bed, to take in all the memories that had happened in his Bed Chamber. Looking at the stone cold floor, Annalise remembered fighting with Draco nearly everday, cussing him for letting her sleep on the floor, denying the sexual tension between them, loathing him for every spitefulness he does and then... suddenly liking him. It was lucid on her mind, she vividly remember despising every tiny thing he does, and now she couldn't help but question,

Had I continue hating him, will I be in this current position?

Probably not.

Annalise gazed around the room, she stared at the walls, the drapes, the dresser, the windows, ceilings and the door. All of it was so familiar it felt like him. Draco felt like home. But now even his name was like venom in her tongue, and she refused to say it again. Looking at the bed, Annalise found the picture frame, her gift for Malfoy.

"Stupid little gift." she muttered to herself. Grabbing the picture frame, she stood and place it on top of the dresser and scoffed. "I can't believe I look so in love with that fucking cheater." she said indignantly, however she felt broken, despite the bitterness that comes out of her mouth.

She grabbed the handle of her trunk and was about to walk away from Malfoy's Bed Chamber when Malfoy himself came in the door, right in front of Annalise.

They stood still for a second, eyes locked in each other. Annalise can see the hesitancy and desire in Draco's irises, but like a switch, it immediately turned cold. "Bye." Annalise said and walk to pass by him, until ―

"Is this what you really want?" He asked abruptly, and Annalise need not to ask further on what he meant. "Is this how you want us to be? Is this how we're gonna end things, Annie?" Draco turned and looked at her, she stopped walking and sigh.

"If you didn't want us to end this way, Draco... Then you should know better not to do that to me." Annalise responded tiredly, her eyes watered again, and she's so exhausted of having to push him away when all she wants was to be in his embrace. "But I do admit that I don't want us to end this way."

"Then we don't have to, Annie.." Draco stated with an air of hope. His own hands were spasming, throat constricted making his voice tight. "If only you'd forgive me.."

A small painful laugh escape out of Annalise's mouth, she turned around and stared at him, for once, she saw just how much of a mess he is. He looks twice his age, but that won't make her stay. "I forgive you long before you even get to admit you cheated, but just because I forgive you doesn't mean I'll stay.. You were everything that every girl wants, Draco. This little separation won't be hard for you."

"Well you're damn wrong." Draco snapped and suddenly, he took two strides and cup her face with his cold, veiny hands then crash his lips against hers, so hungry, so passionate, so fervent.. But it was wrong.

Annalise struggled to pull away, she fought so hard not to kiss him back, but his lips were so comforting for her self-control. A tear fell down, and rolled to her cheeks, once he pulled away, Annalise took her hand and slapped him right across his cheek, emitting a loud noise.

"I fucking hate you, Draco Malfoy." she seethed, her insides were on fire. Immediately grabbing her trunk, Annalise flounced away while dragging it behind her.

Why does he always have a control over me? She thought.

She wanted to kiss him, she wants to feel his hands and she wants to cry in his shoulder but Annalise won't be fooled again. She maybe stupid for falling in love with him but she's not stupid enough to go back.

To my Roommate, Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now