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The sunlight that was streaming through the open window causes Annalise's skin to stung, making her groan in annoyance.

She grasped the sheets more about her body, feeling somewhat cold. When she rolled over, her head was met with what felt like a hard pillow, but she didn't open her eyes as she still feel sleepy.

Then she felt the hard pillow move, still, she ignored it. Thinking it was probably nothing.

“Wake up, sleepyhead” said by a man, his low morning voice cause Annalise to immediately snap her eyes open.

However her vision was blurry, she rub her eyes with the heel of her palms and then blink a couple of times, trying to see clearer.

She saw Malfoy, half naked with a blanket over his hips, his back was resting against the headboard, and his hands were holding either side of the daily prophet.

“Oh..” she narrowed her eyes at him and lick her chapped lips. “How ― How long have I been asleep?” she questioned, rubbing a hand over her aching neck.

Malfoy smiled at her and folded the newspaper, placing it on top of the bedside table. “Probably about ten hours? I couldn't tell, but it was long. Anyways, you don't have to worry about anything ― we don't have any classes for today”

She nodded slightly.

Realizing it was Hogsmeade day, she gasped and she whip her heard towards the wall clock on top of the door, it was nearly afternoon, and she has to get ready to take her sister to Hogsmeade.

Annalise stretched her arms up her head, feeling her whole body sore, the quidditch match along with their previous trainings really tired her out. It felt like all her muscles were contracting.

When she look down on her body, only did she notice she wasn't in her clothes that she wore last night, but was rather in a baggy white muggle shirt that has a huge print of Albert Einstein in the middle.

She check under her shirt if she's wearing her garments, and she does, letting a sigh of relief out. “I assume this is yours” she spoke softly, pulling the shirt from her body to point it out.

Malfoy gave a nod and proceeded to stare at her shamelessly.

She run her hands through her hair, and let out a deep breath.

Annalise can't seem to remember anything from yesterday except winning, drinking and kissing him when she got back in his Bed Chamber. She tried to recall but she can't.

“Did we had sex last night?” she finally queried, looking everywhere but him.

Malfoy pushed himself off the headboard, and cup her jaw with one hand, making her look at him. “No, we were almost gonna have sex but then, just when I started undressing ― you fall asleep.” his lips curled up in a sinister smile.

She smiled back, only slightly. “Then how did I end up in your shirt?” she pulled her head away from his grasp and stood up, stretching her legs and her back.

“I wouldn't let you slime my bed, it's uncomfortable to think that someone sleeps in my bed without changing clothes, let alone someone I'm having sexual intercourse with ― though I must admit changing you was hard, had to refrain myself from placing too much hickeys on your collarbone”

“Fair enough ― wait what?” Annalise abruptly stop from stretching her knees, and stared at him with confusion.

Malfoy shot her a sly smirk, leaning back onto the headboard.

Annalise hastily flexed the collar of his shirt with her fingers and saw numerous bright red and slightly purple hickeys all around her collarbone down to her chest area.

To my Roommate, Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now