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“Wait, why do I need to take you to Devon ― are you leaving already?” Draco's voice was nothing but of pure confusion, his scarred face was scrunched up in dislike and his brows are furrowed.

Annalise was panicking already, her mind was filled with tons of notions about Adelaine's well-being, what if by the time she came home, Addy was injured badly, what if Adelaine would hate her for taking her so late when she promised she'd be there as fast as she can?

“Yes! I need to ― I mean, we, need to leave, take me to Devon, Draco!” Annalise nearly yelled from the top of her throat, and both Narcissa Malfoy and Madam Rosmerta flinched from her agressiveness.

Draco appeared to look more discombobulated. “Oh, alright, alright, I will take you there.” he cannot comprehend what her hastiness is all about, but he is more than glad to know that Annalise needed him more than anything, maybe he can redeem him self while they are on what Annalise is about.

He gently move his hand to hold Annalise's own hand, hoping she would not flinch or jump especially in front of the hostess, Madam Rosmerta. To Draco's surprise, Annalise seized his hand and shot him what look like a mix of reassured and iffy smile.

“Madam Rosmerta,” Annalise started after feeling that familiar tugging on her stomach, and she knew then they're going to disapparate any minute. “I have this parchment scroll in a small charmed bag in my suitcase, please take care of it.”

Madam Rosmerta looked as though she was going to protest but before she could say anything, Annalise felt her feet rising from the floor, the tug in her stomach became tighter and her vision's swirling, soon enough, her heels landed on a grassy field. She looked up at their four-level house while catching a breath, and to her dismay, she saw, through a glass window, Chantelle talking to Borgin, holding what seemed like a small sealed crate.

Her mother's crate.

“Not in my watch, missy.” Annalise muttered under her breath and marched towards the door when suddenly an arm yanked her back, she turned around and met Draco's eyes. “What the bloody hell are you doing?” she asked madly.

“You can't just barged in!” Draco retaliated, he seemed rather aghast, probably thinking they'll be trespassing. “I don't know what are we doing in Devon and I don't know what's the purpose of bringing me he ―”

“As if you're not use to invade other's lands.” Annalise snapped back and seized her wand from the pockets of her dress. “Look. This house is my brother's house, I lived here before he kicked me out, but he let Adelaine stay. That woman inside ―” Annalise point to chantelle in a nearby glass window, “Is his wife. I just learned that she's selling everything of my mom's belongings after torturing my sister and I won't let her get away with it.”

Ignoring Draco's aghast look, Annalise barged inside the door with a simple unlocking spell. The moment she entered, her feet collided with tons of boxes that were sprawled on the floor, containing muggle books and other instruments that no witch or wizard would see in the wizarding world, and she nearly tripped over it. Annalise's blood boiled even more by this.

“Chantelle!” She yelled out and no sooner later, both Chantelle and Borgin came into sight, Annalise stood next to the settee and chuckled after seeing the mortified expression plastered across Chantelle's face.

“W-what are you doing here? You're not allowed here by the Minis ― ”

“And you're also not allowed to sell my mother's treasures.” Annalise quickly cutted her off, her bottom lip was trembling due to immense pique. Just seeing Chantelle all dressed fancy while gaining off of everything in this house makes Annalise want to kill someone. “Did my brother refused to give you money? Did he? Or is his wage a little low in his position in the Ministry now?”

To my Roommate, Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now