A needlessly long car drive and ice cream

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"Mm I think that's just a You problem though. Such responsibilities- Sure sucks doesn't it-" Russia broke off laughing again as Germany mock growled at him in annoyance, golden irises glinting behind his glasses. He huffed and turned away dramatically, one elbow against the door as he looked outside through the window again.

"Aww don't be like that~ I'll take pictures of the ice for you-" 

Germany stuck out his tongue at him and huffed again loudly, a slow smile curling his lips. He started fiddling with the radio channels, randomly choosing one with music to softly fill the comfortable silence. The car purred underneath them calmly as they drove down the German Autobahn.

"You think you could drive faster than this? We're in a no speed limit zone-"


"Oh come on! There's not even a lot of people on the road."

"Nu-uh, I am not fueling your adrenaline junkie heart by speeding-" 

"You say that like it's a bad thing, liebe..."

"It Is a bad thing! You get all creepy every time we get here, that's why I'm never letting you drive in your own country if I'm in the same car again."

"You drive even more recklessly than me when you're in your own territory-"

"That's because I grew up driving there and I'm in perfect control-"

Germany snorted and started laughing again. "You cuss every two minutes when we're in Moscow, how is that perfect control?"

"Perfect control over my Car, not over other drivers Ger."

"And who says I don't have perfect control over My car when I'm driving here?" 

"Because- You look like you will happily ram straight into the back of someone else's car with a creepy smile on your face because of your speeding. And before you say 'No I don't-' I have proof! You smile like a creepy little gremlin when you speed, I've recorded you giggling like a maniac under your breath a couple of times too!"

Germany gaped at him dramatically with eyebrows raised before leaning back into his seat, a red blush accenting the red of his flag colours. "It's just exhilarating..." He mumbled, crossing his arms over his chest and looking outside at the rows of trees whizzing pass them in blurs of dark brown and greens. Russia tried to hold in his laughter as he turned out of the highway and into calmer roads.

"You're adorable~" He said sweetly and glanced at him for a reaction. Germany paused and simply blushed harder, a silly smile slowly pulling at the corners of his lips. 

"Why are we driving so far away from home just for ice cream again-?" Russia complained half-heartedly after yet another wrong turn, trying to understand Germany's elaborate pointing for directions. "Because I know this family run shop has been around since I was born and I loved their ice cream when my father and I visited here years ago, now turn right here!!"

Their car skidded down another narrow road that ended up widening and slowly turning into cobblestone instead of asphalt. Germany gestured for him to park the car and started excitedly bouncing in his seat when the first colourful rooftops became visible in the horizon. He pulled out the keys and pocketed them before pushing open the door, hot air gushing into the car and taking away the sweet coolness of the air conditioning.

Germany bounded over to his side of the car and grabbed his hand, tugging him along into the small town. It was like a step back into the past, traditional buildings and colourful little houses with wooden beams and window frames with blooming flower boxes below them.

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