"Apollo Always Get's Stuck With The Weirdest People"

Start from the beginning

'...I can see that' 

"He's writing something again! Well, if he's a reporter, maybe he knows something..."

'So, Mr. Brushel... You're a journalist?'

apollo could still hear the embarrassment and bitterness in her tone of voice, but she masked it as well as he could have

'Ah me? Look, let me state one thing for the record here...'


'I'm the interviewer. You understand, yeah? "I'm The One Asking The Questions Here", end quote'

the two shared a look with each other


'...For instance! You think a movie director watches movies?'

Trucy shrugged

'...Well, I think he probably does'

Brushel grinned as he snapped his fingers, writing down on his arm

'Exactly! I knew you'd understand'


apollo wasn't sure if this was actually happening, or that he was going crazy, ..maybe both

'So, the night of the murder... ...you were at Drew Studio?'

she asked, gesturing to apollo to take out his notepen, brushel blinked at them

'Who? Me? Look, let me state one thing for the record...


'I may look calm and collected, but I'm busy. Real busy. Always on the road. "Journalist Always Buys One-Way Tickets, Never Looks Back", end quote.'

'I can understand that philosophy, but...'

'You want to know the thing about one-way tickets? Once you use them, they're gone. ...All because you have to give them to the guy at the airport'

she nodded slowly

'True enough. But don't they give normal tickets away, too?'

'Exactly! See? It's the same thing!'

Trucy stared at him

'...What is?'

Apollo sighed as he rubbed his head

'So, you went to do a story on Drew Misham... ...and he'd never had a story done about him before?'

she asked, hopefully, this could get them somwhere

'That's right! Look, let me state one thing for the record here...'


'I'm sure you're going to want to know about my source. What tipped me off to Drew? Why do the interview in the first place?'

Trucy stammered a bit 

'Well... yes'

'Look, it's like... Oh! I've got it! Say there's this burger joint with fabulous ketchup. You think the burger guy's going to tell me where he got it?'

'...At the supermarket, maybe?'

she suggested, he grinned wildly as he snapped his fingers

'Exactly! See? That's what I'm talking about'

"I think I may have actually understood that one"

apollo didn't know if that was bad or good

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