Chapter 5

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I gnaw my bottom lips in a thinking process. "What if I don't know by some miracle you both ended up maybe locked up in the school cafeteria or someplace and the forced proximity might help?" I said nonchalantly.

I expected Sersha to fuck me off but instead, her face lit up like the fourth of July. "Oh my god. Yes. I read forced proximity enables a lot of emotions from men and women- I – What?" She demanded watching me and Madison wide-eyed.

I glanced at Madison who held the same stare.

Our girl Sersha was a kinky motherfucker. "Nothing." I shrugged not wanting to make her uncomfortable.

"Damn Sersha. You read some batshit romance stuff." Madison shouted while I slapped my forehead. "I bet if I looked at your search history there would be how to get into different positions with handcuffs."

Sersha's cheeks turned the color that resembled a tomato.

I rolled to side the side laughing as my vision blurred while Sersha hugged her knees in horror. It was so fucking adorable. "Hey, the quiet ones are always the ones with the burning passion. Or so I've read." I told her.

Madison hollered wiping her eyes.

"Alright enough." Sersha covered her face with her hands. "Might I remind you we are here for Madison's plan to degrade her best friend?"

I sobered up not done with my jokes, but I let it slide turning my attention to Madison who untwined her braid. "It best be amazing Maddie or I'm switching to my plan. I'll give you a little preview. Me, The ground and Mercer six feet under."

Madison rolled her eyes at me which I poked my tongue to. "I do have a very thoughtful and courageous plan. But only for the brave of heart."

I perked up with a frown. "Cut the confetti and give me the real stuff."

She nodded as Sersha pressed her front to the carpet cupping her jaw. "Okay so hear me out. We play the player."

I digested the words and gave her a huh.

Madison bit her lip in amusement. "What is Aaron known for?"

"Breaking hearts." Sersha piped. I followed along wanting to see where this was going.

"Yeah. So, what if we give him a taste of his own medicine." Madison concluded excitedly as if she'd found the cure to the dull world.

I tilted my head and gushed with a bright smile. "Bless you, Madison. You'd go that far for our dear friendship. You really are a true warrior through- Ow." I rubbed the back of my head where she uphanded me.

Sersha broke into a fit of giggles to which I glared.

"No dumbass. You do the work. Aaron wants you right? So, you give him just that, but you play him. Lead him on. And then when you have him every now and then pull out an Uno reverse card and throw it on his damn face like a girlboss."

I think my jaw might just have landed in the magma chambers below us. "What the fuck? That's like seducing the seducer. Not playing the player. You got your facts wrong Maddie." I shook my head in denial. No fucking way was I giving Aaron that. What the fuck did she think me off?

"Oh, come on." Madison groaned clasping my arm. "You'd play the part so well. Plus, you want him to suffer. What's better than leaving a guy hot and bothered."

"Nuh-uh." I denied. "I'd rather think of a million and one ways better. And I'm touched that you have such faith in me, darling, but I hold no package deal that might actually demand dominance."

"You're kidding me, right?" Madison looked at Sersha who smiled. "Everything about you is perfect Bryce. You want revenge so give him his own work but with style. You're only playing with his ways. He's got to hate the game, not the player remember."

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