Hey...what're you doing? 😃

Start from the beginning


"Later nephew!" The man waved his head and finally took a furious Jinyoung downstairs.

"Ummm...since when is my uncle a cop??" Was the first thing Hyunjin said.

"Who cares?! It's finally over! Jinyoung has been arrested!" Yelled Jisung.

"Yeah...but how did he know our place?" Seungmin wondered.

"Guys? Aren't we forgetting something?" Yeona reminded them.


>>Time Skip>>

So after a short while, Felix had woke up unharmed, thank god. Apparently Jinyoung injected him with just a sedative. Nothing major. They went back to the hospital where Hyunjin's grandfather was laying on his bed in the VIPest room in the hospital (lol), still unconscious but the doctor said that his condition was now stable and that he should wake up anytime soon.

He was saved :)

Hyunjin told his grandma about what happened at the rooftop and it turns out she was the one who called Uncle Hwang and told him everything,

"Hah?! So you KNEW he was a cop?! Why didn't I know any of this??" Hyunjin yelled in astonishment.

"He's been working as their secret agent for the past few years. He only told me and your grandfather, no one else in the family knows." She smiled at her grandson who had his mouth wide open.

"Secret agent?! Wow, your uncle is so cool!" Jeongin exclaimed.

"I'm just really happy he came at the right time and ended this." Sighed Chan with a relieved smile.

Yeona nodded happily as well.

"And that we saved your grandfather! He barely survived Jinyoung's poison!" Jisung stated.

"I know..." Said Hyunjin, "He should never trust his secretary again! Nor anyone who's not trustworthy!"

"But who would've thought that Park Jinyoung, who served your grandfather all those years, would turn out to be like this." His grandma reminded him.

"He sure is a great actor though." Stated Minho and they all laughed at his remark.

"Anyway, thanks grandma for calling Uncle. You were both a life saver. He held Felix's head at the edge of the building!" Shouted Hyunjin.

"If I see him again, I'll kick him hard enough to make sure his lungs burst from the inside and he stops breathing and maybe die while we're at it." Felix growled under his breath, feeling stupid for being abducted like that.

And low-key Seungmin took a step away from him just in case lmao

They left the hospital since it started getting dark and they all have school tomorrow.

They actually had school this whole week buuuuut as you can read, they were kinda bUsY.

After waving goodbye to the guys, Hyunjin and Yeona stepped inside the house, threw their shoes off at the entrance and basically died on both couches in the living room.

"I'm wrecked. Jet lagged. Exhausted. Dead-"

"You finished the whole vocabulary. I KNOW, ME TOO." Yelled Yeona.

"You dare raise your voice at me?" Hyunjin turned his head to glare at her playfully.

"Minho told me to be aggressive with you."


"I don't know...I find his advices working pretty well~" Yeona said while getting up and walking over to Hyunjin with a small grin on her face.

Hyunjin's POV:

Now THAT's disturbing

"Yeona? What are you going to do?" I asked, honestly afraid. She's turning into a Minho and that doesn't sound promising!

She slowly made her way towards me as I quickly sat up, "Um...I don't remember any of Minho's relationships going well so I'm just concerned about what advice he specifically gave you."

"He said I must be confident."

*step closer*


*step closer*


By now, she was standing right in front of me as I was looking up at her and accidentally gulped.

"And he was specifically clear when he said I should turn you on before anything..." Her hand smoothly brushed my neck and I swear I didn't know if I was aroused or genuinely scared of this side of Yeona that Minho has been raising...

Then suddenly her expression changed to normal again, "As if I knew how to do such things." She puffed her bangs away from her eyes, "I wish I was capable of all of THAT. How does Minho expect me to do all of that when I haven't dated in my life?!"

Then again, what was I expecting either? She still watches silent cartoons and lives on strawberry milk.

However...she did succeed...

Am I turned on?


Am I gonna stop now?




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