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WITHIN THE TIME GAP OF SIX MONTHS, a lot has changed for Team Avatar. Starting with Korra who had finally unlocked airbending, she was now focusing on her training in order to master the element. She was currently dating Ami, her childhood best friend. Korra, of the Southern Water Tribe, was showing the world that she could be Avatar the world wanted her to be. Which, due to the past avatar, were big shoes for Korra to fill. However, Ami had hope that Korra could do anything she could put her mind to.

Though Ami's bending was restored, she decided to choose a job that doesn't rely on her bending. Instead, she is now a journalist for the Republic City Gazette where she writes about the new president of Republic City, Republic City's newfound democracy, pro-bending, and how Asami Sato was transforming the Sato name. Ami found her passion in writing after writing about the events of Korra versus Amon, with permission from her the Avatar herself to publish the writing. When the local newspaper got ahold on her article, they knew Ami was the perfect person to join their team, as well. Korra was very proud to announce that her girlfriend was a journalist for the Republic City Gazette, too.

Asami Sato was now in charge of her father's company and had to change it for the better. No one was wanting to make deals with a business that was once associated with the Equalist Party, and Asami honestly couldn't blame them. However, it did cause her a lot of stress as she had to rebuild the company's image from the ground since her father, the original CEO, burned the Sato name. Therefore, she was making business plans to go to the South Pole to try to find business with an entrepreneur there.

Bolin had created his own version of the Fire Ferrets with people who looked suspiciously like Mako and Korra. The once amazing team was going downhill, though. They even managed to have the quickest knockout in the history of probending, which in retrospect isn't that long of a history. It was surprising that they were still even considered a fan favorite. Still, Bolin was trying his hardest in order to keep the team on top. His teammates were trying too! They just weren't as good as any of the other teams. Which, Bolin decided early on, came with time. After all, Korra wasn't that great at first either.

Mako was going into the Republic City Police Force, so he has been extra busy. He's always been to himself though. Ever since he and Asami broke up, he has been keeping his distance from the group. Especially because it was his feelings over Korra that caused for the break up, and Korra was more than happy with Ami. He, basically, just needed a break from the group. And so, he was employed by Lin Beifong. He felt more at home training to become a cop anyways. He liked that he was improving a city that he saw corruption within first hand as a child on the streets.

Lin Beifong was chief again, and Republic City had a stronger than ever police force. She was proud to run things again so the people of Republic City felt safer. They knew her work was amazing and with that said, since it's only gotten better, the people of Republic City were only feeling better about where they were staying. The only problem they were having with Republic City was their newfound democracy causing some political division. But, in the end, Republic City now had its first ever president since the council disbanded.

Previously councilman, Tenzin, was now at home with his family more, which was nice since now he had a son who was about to be six months. Plus, he had three other small children who were very chaotic. Not to mention, Korra was just as chaotic as his other kids. Ami was the only voice of reason when it came to her siblings and Korra, but her partner in many crimes, Bumi, retired and was now living on Air Temple Island. Which meant one thing, pranks.

Ever since Bumi had retired and moved onto Air Temple Island, he and Ami began setting up several pranks that primarily targeted Tenzin. Just like when she was little. Tenzin's patience with the two was dwindling, but he couldn't do anything about it because he loved them and (secretly) wanted them to stay with him on the island. Jinora especially loved having Ami around since they were both avid book readers. Ikki enjoyed when her and Ami got to play small pranks on their own. Ami usually made super dull pirate swords and played pirates with Meelo too, which got him out of everyone's hair for awhile.

Overall, during the six months, everyone just seemed happy and more like themselves as they progressed through life with Amon gone. However, they didn't know another challenge was arising within the South Pole. Soon, though, Team Avatar was going to find another tough task to face.


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