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Internal Affairs

As the group arrived the next morning, it was obvious that the North was invading the Southern Water Tribe. A fleet of ships were docking upon their harbor. It didn't take long for them to start making orders to the citizens of the South as well. Everyone looked on confused and when they didn't listen, the Northern Water Tribe troops would water bend a way past them to show dominance. There were walls being built and everything was beginning to change. Unalaq told Korra that morning that they were needed to protect the portal that she opened, despite her arguement that she could protect it. However, he told her he needed her for a new mission.

"Korra, I don't know about this. Everyone seems very upset. Are you sure this is a good idea?" Ami questioned as she continued to brush through Naga's fur. Something didn't feel right and she couldn't figure out why, but the invading troops was the main reason she was feeling bad about Unalaq. Ami just wanted to protect Korra, but with this new invasion, many people were going to be upset with her. "I know you want the North and South to be unified, but something feels off."

Korra scoffed at Ami's words as she narrowed her eyes slightly. She didn't understand how Ami could see something bad with uniting the tribes. "I don't get it. Why are you not more optimistic about the tribes coming together?" She questioned, pulling Ami's jacket from the coat hanger, pulling pieces of Naga's fur from it before passing it over to Ami. They needed to leave soon for the meeting Tonraq was calling. "I think my uncle is onto something. We need to become one. We need to become balance." Korra emphasized, crossing her arms angrily. The only reason she uncrossed her arms was to help Ami into the heavy coat, even though she didn't need any help.

Ami let out a soft sigh as she zipped it up. Leaning on Naga, she rested her head back in thought of how she was going to respond to her. "Okay, I get what you're saying, but something just isn't sitting right in my stomach. That's all, Korra. I'm sorry." Ami said awkwardly. She wasn't sorry for speaking her mind though. She was definitely not feeling right about the situation, but she didn't want to argue with Korra. The doubt filling her from Korra was beginning to be too much from her, and she was starting to find herself regretting not going with her family more and more.

Korra held a hand out to her, helping her stand up before climbing on Naga. Ami climbed behind her, her hands gently finding her way to Korra's waist. She looked down, a frown on her face. Unalaq was changing Korra and Ami wasn't liking this change very much. She only hoped Korra could see in the future that she was becoming mean and one sided, not allowing Ami to think or be confused.

Arriving at the meeting, Ami sluggishly got off the polar bear dog. Korra moved to reach for her hand, but noticed that Ami instead put her hands in her pockets. Clearing her throat slightly, she just turned to walk in, Ami following behind her. "Thank you for coming, everyone. I know these last few days have been very troubling." Tonraq addressed the group of people sitting around him and his family. Ami opted to stand in the back of the room, trying to think about what was going on between her and Korra.

"Troubling? Troubling is when I get that itchy rash that won't go away, and Zhu Li's not around to scratch it. This is shocking. Nay, sickening!" Varrick, an entrepreneur within the Southern Pole, exclaimed. He even stomped his foot to add a dramatic effect to his opinion. An opinion that Ami shared with him, but felt like she couldn't say around Korra. "But, these kake cookies? Opposite. Remind me to get the recipe later."

Tonraq sighed, running a hand over his face due to Varrick's dramatics. He was known to have that dramatic flare. "What's your point, Varrick?" He questioned, hoping to move the guy along from straying from his point.

Ami was also curious to see what he had to say. He was outspoken and loud. She liked that. He was different than her. She was feeling kind of envious of that. "My point is, Unalaq's already booted our chieftains out of their palace. How long before he starts telling us what kind of cookies we can eat?!" Varrick questioned as the plate he filled with cookies spilt upon the floor. He seemed rather upset and it was obvious to why. Everyone should be feeling the same way as him. Ami couldn't help but feel admiration begin to bloom within her chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2021 ⏰

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