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Where Things Begin
to Fall Apart

It was times like these when Ami wondered if she was being selfish as she walked alongside Korra, Mako, and Bolin at the festival. The smile on Korra's face almost made Ami forget about the rude words Korra expressed towards her father's teachings. It just felt like sometimes, Korra forgot just how much Tenzin did for her. And, it bothered Ami. However, she knew Korra was lost in the fantasy that her uncle could do better. There was a possibility he could, too. Ami wasn't going to discourage Korra from doing what she wanted and felt like she needed.

Ami was lost in thought over what was happening between Korra and Tenzin, the division. She didn't even notice Bolin somehow successfully flirting with Eska. Korra noticed the way her girlfriend's eyes were clouded, but began talking to Mako about her uncle's offer. Taking Ami by the arm gently, she managed to knock her out of her trance by taking her to one of the carnival games featuring Aang and his trusty companion, Momo. The game was a water gun game where you squirt the water at Aang and Momo rises until he hits the bell. Something Korra assumed Ami would find fun.

"Unalaq offered to train me. He says he can teach me about the spirits and my connection to them." Korra said to Mako with a wide grin as she watched Momo begin to rise.

Mako's attention successfully began to shift to Korra's words. Looking at Ami's face as Korra talked, he cleared his throat awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. He didn't want to be apart of a lover's quarrel, but that seemed to be where this conversation was headed. So, he asked what seemed to be on Ami's mind for her, hoping Korra only had find words for her Airbending and spiritual instructor. "Sounds good! What does Tenzin think?" Mako questioned casually, glancing back at his Momo, who was in the lead. The tension around the question getting thick.

Mako found himself immediately regretting his question when Korra groaned, glancing away. He knew that his expectations of kindness were about to be greeted by something else. "Tenzin thinks I'm his prisoner or that I'm like one of his kids. I'll never finish training with him in charge." Korra pouted for a moment before gripping her water gun and water bending a huge splash of water, winning the prize.

Korra, Ami, and Mako began to walk away as Korra examined the flying bison plush in her hands. She seemed to be invested in the stuffed toy as she continued to talk. "I mean, you heard what Unalaq said. The South is spiritually unbalanced, and it's the Avatar's job to fix it. But, my Dad won't even let me think about Unalaq teaching me." She ranted before turning to Mako for his input. Something he didn't know she wanted. "Well?" Korra asked, waiting for his response to her ranting.

Nako rose his brows confused as he looked at the Avatar awkwardly. He didn't know what she wanted him to say. If she wanted the truth or his actual opinion. "Well, what?" He offered, trying to decipher she wanted to hear, rather than what she need hear at that moment. He looked at how annoyed Ami looked and felt slightly bad for continuing the conversation.

Korra rolled her eyes ar him before bringing the flying bison close to her chest. "What do you think I should do, Mako? I'm asking for your opinion." She stated as if it was obvious, and in all fairness, it was. Mako was just terrified.

Smiling at her, he began to nod. His words forming in his head seeming like a correct response to her question. "I guess you should do what you think is right. I support whatever decision you make." Mako assured her, placing a friendly hand on her shoulder, his eyes closed contently. He felt like her avoided her anger and that was an achievement. In fact, he was so amazed by the words that came out of his mouth, that he didn't even realize that she didn't think his words were quite as amazing as he did.

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