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The Story's Finale

Earth. Fire. Air. Water. Together, these four elements can create harmony and balance. Only one person in the world can control the elements. The Avatar. The current Avatar was Korra, the reincarnation of avatars from the past. She is water nation native. To many, she is impulsive and loud. And, they would be right. However, as every Avatar has had before, her team is there to help her grow and learn. Especially as she nears the last step to end the Revolution created by Amon, a radical equalist who wants to rid the nation of benders. Even though he is a bender himself.

Ami stood behind Mako and Korra in the rally as everyone cheered. It was heavily guarded by mechatanks and decorated in huge tapestries with Amon stitched upon them. Smoke filled the stage below as the cheering grew louder. Then, Amon was seen, standing tall and confident on the stage. It made Ami queasy as she stared at him. "Thank you all, for joining me on this historic occasion." His voice rang out, calling for everyone's attention promptly. Attention that his followers gave to him devotedly, going quiet as he held up a single hand.

Then, he continued to talk once more, he equalist body guards filing in behind him. "When I was a boy, a firebender struck down my entire family and left me scarred. That tragic event began my quest to equalize the world." Amon told the crowd, his voice loud, clear, and full of lies.

"That's a lie, Amon." It was Korra. She couldn't hold herself back any longer. She had never been the best when it came to patience. Everyone turned to her as she ripped off her mask, Mako and Ami following in suit. "Or, should I call you 'Noatak?'"

Amon remained calm but it was like Ami could feel his brief glare. He was a terrifying man, but the group watched his moves carefully. "Everyone, remain calm. We have nothing to fear from the avatar. Let's here what she has to say." He said, holding his hand out to her. Ami felt something twist inside her as she realized something was off about what was happening. He seemed to have a plan. It was obvious or Ami would have seen a small and quick sense of panic run through his body. She was good when it came to body language.

Korra looked at everyone. There were thousands of Equalists surrounding her. Breathing in, she cleared her voice before speaking to them, hoping to get through to them. "Amon has been lying to you. The spirits didn't give him the power to take people's bending away. He uses bloodbending to do it. Amon is a waterbender." The crowd began to chat within their seats as Korra pointed an accusing finger Amon's way. Everyone seemed confused and not knowing who to trust, their beloved leader or the most privileged bender of them all. She did, after all, have the ability to bend all four elements.

Many people looked over to the accused in shock, even Amon's right hand man seemed confused about Korra's accusation. Still, Amon stayed calm as to not make it worse. "You're desperate, Avatar. Making up stories about me is a pathetic last resort." He responded to her, making some of the audience calm down visibly. However, his words angered Korra more and made Ami grow even more suspicious about why Amon deflected so easily. It was obvious that this wasn't going to end well, as Ami moved closer to Korra in a way to protect her somehow.

Korra didn't need protection though, she can handle her own. At least that's what she assumed as she continued to call out Amon in front of his thousands of followers. "Your family wasn't killed by a firebender. His father was Yakone, and his brother is councilman Tarrlok." The whispers grew louder as Amon's most loyal equalist let his jaw drop Everything did seem to make sense, but none of Amon's followers wanted to believe the Avatar.

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