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The Probending Arena

Since Korra arrived at Republic City, more specifically, Air Temple Island, Ami created a schedule. Upon waking up, she'd go train and work out. She wasn't buff like Korra, but she was where she needed to be for probending. After training, she got breakfast with Bolin because Mako was always too grouchy to go with them. Afterwards, she'd go visit Korra to see how her training was going until she had to return to Republic City to practice with her teammates. So, this is the most Tenzin has seen of his daughter in quite awhile.

Walking into the dining area for the air nomads and acolytes, Ami smiled as she sat beside Korra who was giving a newspaper her upmost attention. "What do you say we catch a few pro bending matches?" Korra questioned, putting her newspaper down. She was practically bouncing up and down as Ami went to check to see if her photo was in there since she knew Tahno's was. She pointed to a few things, making Korra gasp with excitement everytime as Tenzin made Ami a cup of tea. Accepting it, Ami smiled at him gratefully, sipping the hot leaf juice.

"That sport is a mockery of the noble tradition of bending." Tenzin stated causing Ami to look up, raising a brow. Her father was well aware that her profession consisted of being a member of a pro bending team. But, if it isn't Jinora, Ikki, or Meelo doing it, Tenzin didn't care. Crossing her arms, she put the cup down as gentle as she possible could, not wanting to bring attention to herself. Korra still noticed how annoyed she seemed, but decided it would be best to ask her about it later. She didn't like talking about her feeling in front of her father for some reason.

Korra placed a hand on Ami's shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. Looking over, Ami couldn't help but smile at her. She had the most contagious smile, after all. "Come on, Tenzin, I've dreamed about seeing a pro bending match since I was a kid, and now I'm just a ferry ride away from the arena. If you don't want to take me, can Ami?" Korra questioned, jerking a thumb back at Republic City. She was only trying to show how close Republic City actually was from Air Temple Island, after all.

Tenzin narrowed his eyes at the girl, putting his cup down with a small clank. He hated how rebellious Korra (and Ami) was. "Korra, you're not here to watch that drivel. You're here to finish your avatar training. So, for the time being, I want you to remain on the island." Tenzin stated in his holier than thou attitude. It was really bothering Ami that he kept knocking down the thing she loved to do most. This was one of the main reasons she tended on staying with her mother more. Her mother explained to her that her grandmother, Toph, was just as competitive as her. It was a Beifong character trait, she guessed.

Korra rested a chin on her hand as she looked to the side. She was obviously annoyed that Tenzin wasn't letting her go because it just wasn't fair. She felt trapped since starting her training. "Is that why you're keeping the White Lotus sentries around to watch me every move?" Korra inquired rhetorically. She knew the answer. It was obviously for her own protection, but Korra felt like she could protect herself. After all, she was the avatar. She could handle anything that came her way. Especially with Ami by her side.

Ami looked over to her father, knowing he was going to take it literally. He was always so serious and it honestly bored Ami sometimes. However, she kept her opinion to herself, glancing over at Korra. "Yes, in order to learn airbending I believe you require a calm, quiet environment, free from any distractions." Tenzin said, watching for Korra's reaction. He was used to mild outbursts now. He hadn't seen her full extent but least he was growing used to the young water tribe girl living with him and his family.

Korra thought long and hard for a proper response to what he had to say when he finished before remembering subtly that her best friend (and crush) was right beside her. "All right, you're the master. But, for the record, I'm already distracted. Ami holds most of my attention." Korra said, attempting to flirt with the earth bender. She liked Ami since they were kids but her feelings grew with them and held different meanings onto why she liked Ami.

Ami clapped a hand over Korra's mouth. Turning to look at her father, she smiled sheepishly. "Dad, she's kidding. Please don't kick me off the island. I promise I won't distract her. I'm here for my siblings as well." Ami said, releasing Korra as her father sighed. Getting up he left the two girls.

Ami glared over to Korra, though it wasn't harsh or mean. It was more playful than anything. "You're insufferable. You know that, right?" Ami teased, smacking the girl's arm lightly. Korra laughed causing Ami to laugh as well. It got to the point they were clutching their stomachs. "However, you are my favorite person in this entire world." Ami said softly as a blush colored her cheeks. Lin was going to kill her if she ever found out that she liked Korra.

Smiling a bit, Korra took Ami's hand as she turned to look back onto Republic City. She wanted to explore the city so badly. This time, she hoped she had the money to check out some food places with Ami. "You're my best friend, too." Korra stated looking over at the city that she knew her and Ami would run one day. There was no doubt about it. They ran every place they stepped foot on. The unstoppable best friends will remain unstoppable. Even if Tenzin forbids it.


Ami was in the gym training with Tahno and Shaozu, out of the two, she preferred Shaozu. If he wasn't so scared of Tahno they would be playing fair games. Yet, until their contract ended, they needed to remain loyal to the team. "Tahno, we're all three strong benders and can take them easily. I say next game, we play fair." Ami tried. She always attempted to convince Tahno to change his mind, it just never worked. Even on the rare occasions that Shaozu joined in the defend her. Their playing fair idea always got pushed aside. Still, Ami always tried.

Tahno rolled his eyes, putting the equipment he was using away as he was heading towards the exit. He wasn't in the mood for this, at all. "No. How many times do I have to I have to say no. Get it through your thick skull, Beifong. Go hit the showers. The both of you smell like sweat. Just remember, I'm the reason we always win. You two would be nothing without me, okay?" Tahno stated as he left. Shaozu and Ami glanced at each other before leaving to shower. Tahno was never one to change his mind before it was set.

Ami took a quick shower, getting changed before going to check on her favorite team. Heading up the stairs, she heard a familiar voice. A voice she recognized immediately. "Korra, what are you doing here?" Ami questioned, causing Korra to look over and grin at the girl in front of her. "Didn't my dad tell you to stay away from the arena? He is going to freak when he finds out." Ami crossed her arms, raising a brow. She looked just like Lin at that moment and it kind of scared Korra, but she stayed positive since she escaped Air Temple Island.

Korra went to greet Ami when Bolin hugged her tightly and Mako greeted her with a smile. That confused Korra greatly so she decided to stay back while the three caught up for a moment. "Wait, so how do you three know each other. I know Bolin and Mako are brothers, but what about you, Ami?" Korra asked curiously, looking away in jealousy. Mainly because Bolin still hadn't let go of Ami. Ami was hers to hug. Nevermind, that sounded too possessive. Possessiveness was a toxic trait that Korra refused to feel. Ami deserved better.

Bolin looked at Korra with an excited grin as Mako finished getting ready. Letting go of Ami, Bolin bounced his way back over to Korra. "Don't tell me she hasn't told you... She's on the Wolfbats team. She is the only teammate who actually plays fair on that team and actually has many friends here. Her teammates on the other hand..." Bolin said, his voice going to a higher pitch. It tended to do that when he was trying to be nice but couldn't find a way to since he was hated being mean.

Korra looked surprised, smiling wide at her best friend. She secretly felt hurt that she hid that grin her, but understood due to Tenzin's dislike towards the sport. Korra was amazed that she was best friends with a probender. She only wished she could probend as well. Maybe one day, Korra's dream would come true.

𝑩𝑬𝑰𝑭𝑶𝑵𝑮   korraOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora