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New Roomates

Ami sighed as she got dressed before braiding her hair. She was asked to join Korra and her siblings in welcoming Asami, Maki and Bolin since they will now be staying on Air Temple Island. Since the night Hiroshi had been discovered a liar and an Equalist, her mother resigned from being Republic City's police chief. Hiroshi's words since that night also stuck with her. She just hasn't figured out how to bring it up to Korra yet. It's definitely caused a slight rift in their relationship, but both deny that fact by saying they were 'just fine.'

Waking towards the docks, she saw her siblings running around excitedly and Korra laughing alongside them. Ami smiled at the sight, knowing that this sight was one that would stick in her mind. Still, the words Hiroshi said haunted her. Soon, Korra wouldn't need her. Especially now that Asami showed just how bad ass she truly was. There was no room for another nonbender. Especially when she wasn't as skilled as Asami. She was still new to not bending. "I'm glad to see you." Korra's voice brought her out of her head. Ami looked up, seeing Korra's breathtaking, lopsided grin.

Ami looked up at her with her heterochromatic eyes as she smiled back a bit. She had almost forgot Hiroshi's words right then and there. Before she could speak, a squeal from Ikki caught her attention. Ikki was bouncing up and down, pointing at the ferry boat. "They're here!" She said excitedly, causing Ami to chuckle at her sister's happiness with endearment. Something that didn't go unnoticed by Korra because it made her feel warm to see Ami have a genuine smile. Since that night at the pro-bending arena, Korra hadn't seen Ami's beautiful smile. It was a nice to see it again.

The ferry boat docked and the air acolytes began setting the ship up for the three teens departure. Ami, Korra, and the kids began to wave as Asami, Mako, and Bolin exited to Ferry boat, making their way to the dock. "You're finally here!" Ikki cheered, looking up at them. "Welcome to Air Temple Island! Your new home." She said happily, pushing her bangs away from her eyes. Ami put a gentle hand on Ikki's shoulder to help her calm down some so she doesn't scare off Asami, Mako, and Bolin. Though, she knew she couldn't calm down Ikki. No one could.

Looking up at them with his light grey-blue eyes, Meelo, who was currently the youngest sibling, nodded up at them. He expected followers out of this, not new family members. That much was obvious. "Yes, welcome to my domain." He said, jerking a thumb to himself, smirking at them. Meelo definitely was full of himself saying as he really did think he was the leader of the Island, the man, if you will. His comment made Korra hold back laughter and Ami run an embarassed hand over her face. Meelo was something else.

Bolin took it very well though, thankfully. Ami was honestly worried about Meelo's behavior. But, in respect to her father and stepmother, she kept it to herself. Though, she was sure they were worried about the same thing. "Well aren't you a sweet little monk child." Bolin said cheerfully, looking down at Meelo. Honestly, Bolin had no expierence with children even though he typically acted like a giant child himself.

Pabu jumped off of Bolin's shoulder to explore, running inbetween Meelo's legs. In amazement, Meelo bent over, watching Pabu run. "What's that fuzzy creature?" Meelo questioned Bolin, pointing at Pabu.

Jinora smiled wide since it was finally her time to shine. Stepping foreword, she looked at her younger brother. "That is a fire ferret." She said, watching Pabu and Naga interact. "Fire ferrets are arboreal mammal common to the bamboo forests of the central Earth Kingdom." Jinora explained to Meelo. She loved sharing information with her siblings and showing off the fact that she was the 'smart sibling.' It gave her a sort of ego. But, she wasn't cocky, just confident in her knowledge of various subjects from bending to avatars to animals and more. Jinora was the smart sister.

Ikki wasn't dumb though. She was smart in a much different way. Everyone was almost positive that Ikki also had ADHD. She was very easily distracted, among other tell-tell signs. Ikki watched happily as Pabu scurried off. She loved animals but mainly due to their cuteness. She didn't know all kinds of random facts like Jinora. Gasping behind her older sister, she began to chase him. "He's cute!" Ikki exclaimed, causing Jinora to plug her ears, Meelo to join her, and Pabu hiss at the two kids chasing him. However, Meelo got distracted by Naga, pretending she was a sky bison.

Ami moved beside Korra as Mako approached her. Ami knew Mako was inbetween his feelings with Asami and Korra, and although Ami was going to try to leave her best friend and her new group so didn't have to deal with her anymore, she still didn't want Mako close to Korra. "Thanks for sending the air acolytes to help us with the move." Mako said appreciatively. "Yes, they've been amazing. Such tireless workers." Asami said happily with a grateful smile on her lips. Korra, however, was nervously watching the acolytes carry several pieces of luggage without falling over.

The teens, plus the kids, made their way to where they would be sleeping, Naga racing ahead of the group to chase after Pabu. Ami had looked over to see Asami looking at Meelo very confused. Then, her brother started talking and Ami felt herself blush with embarrassment. "Your pretty. Can I have some of your hair?" The boy asked, earning a smack on the back of his head from Ami. The smack wasn't hard enough to hurt him but enough for him to shut up quickly. "Looks like I have some competition." Nako added on. Asami just gave an awkward laugh at Meelo's words.

Ikki was bouncing as they reached the temple that resided on Air Temple Island. Ami knew she had been practicing for this moment. Especially because Ikki's room was right next door hers."And now for the grand tour... The flying bisons sleep in those caves down there. And, that's the temple Grandpa Aang built. Did you know Ami is the only one of his grandchildren he met? That makes her ancient like him. And that's the greenhouse where we grow the vegetables we eat." Ikki said quickly, pointing out various areas of the large island.

Bolin watched confused before raising his hand. Ikki nodded at him so he could begin to talk to her. "Okay, I have a couple of questions. Is this an all-vegetarian island? Is that where you train airbending? Do we have to wear acolyte clothes? Do we each get our own sky bison? Is Ami really that ancient? And, final question... How many trees are there on this island?" Ami looked at Bolin confused, along with the rest of the group (but Ikki). He talked incredibly fast. Not even Mako could keep up with him and he's dealt with it for years.

Still, Ikki was a professional at talking fast and listening to quick speaking people. It was a gift, a talent. "Yes, yes, no, no, yes, and 10,552." Asami, Mako, and Bolin, still new to Ikki's gifts, blinked in surprise after she had answered all of Bolin's questions before Jinora took Mako and Bolin to the men's dormitory. Asami's head was still reeling over Ikki's words. Korra then insisted Meelo went with the boys, but he couldn't leave without flirting with Asami making Ami groan in embarrassment. Korra laughed a bit, placing a hand on Ami's shoulder gently.

At first, Ami allowed the contact before pushing it away slightly. Korra looked at Ami confused, but shook it off the best she could as she began leading Asami to her room with Ikki. Ami sighed before walking off to the edge of the water. Looking up at the statue of her grandfather, she wiped away tears. "I wish I remembered you. People say you have the best wisdom anyone could offer." She whispered softly, placing her forehead on her knees.

/ Quick reminder that @annetheauthor is the official Tik Tok account for this Wattpad series along with Princess and Symphony. Videos are in the making.

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