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The Sato Scandal

Ami sat beside Korra in the airship flying over Republic City, listening to her parents discuss a tactic. She could tell that this was stressing Korra out, so she sat there, just trying to be there for Korra. "Raising the Sato Mansion is a risky move with Tarrlok breathing down your neck." Tenzin said, glancing at the lights of the city his father built with the Firelord. "If we're wrong..." He doesn't even get to finish his sentence. Everyone knew what he was going to say once he finished it anyways. Still, it was Lin's response.

Lin let her green eyes linger on Republic City for a moment before flicking them up at him. She never expected to be here with him. It felt like old times but different. "I know." She spoke, letting herself return to buildings pass by underneath them. "If we're wrong, I can kiss my job goodbye." Lin finished Tenzin's sentence. She didn't have to look back to know Ami was staring at her with fear and confusion on her face since the only mother she knew was a mother on the police force, risking her life to save other's lives.

Lin took a breathe in, reminding herself what was really important at that moment. Ami, Republic City. "Protecting Republic City and my- our daughter is all I care about, though. We can not let Amon get his hands on this new weapon." Lin stated, glancing back to her daughter, who was now avoiding her gaze, taking Korra's hand nervously. Lin sighed before looking forward, the airship landing in front of the Sato mansion, the metal bending police force jumping out immediately. If something wasn't found, it would break her career. However, Lin knew protecting her daughter and the city was worth it.

The police force rushed into the mansion, going through rooms, eventually reaching the room with Asami, Bolin, and Mako. This made Asami upset as she looked at Ami and Korra. "What are you doing here? My father is innocent, you've already proven that." She stated, glaring up at the officers as she stood up. She felt like they were doing her father dirty. Anyone in her position would, though. She was oblivious to what her father was truly capable of doing and had know idea of the truth. Well, what the informant claimed the truth was, anyways.

Lin walked forward calmly, holding her hand up to prepare herself on ordering her officers. Looking at Asami, Lin cleared her throat. "We have a reason to believe there's a factory hidden below the mansion." Lin explained, looking around the room, feeling underneath her to see if she felt it. She had to feel the ground underneath her, just like her mother taught her. If she did that, she would be able to sense if Hiroshi really had a factory or not. Then, she would know if she would return home jobless or not.

Asami grew angrier by the second. Her fists clenched as she watched the officers every movement before speaking again. "I think I would have noticed if there were a factory underneath my house. The lies you people come up with just to prosecute my father..." Asami trailed off, her eyes filling with hurt. Ami couldn't help but feel awful. She now had a part in this since she started her mission of hunting down every last Equalist. A personal mission starting with Asami's father. She didn't want it to be this way, but it was going to have to be. Hiroshi now had the odds stacked against him. Well, if the informant was honest, anyways.

Looking around, Tenzin rose his brows. He was looking for Hiroshi Sato. This was his houses after all, but he was nowhere to be seen. "Where is your father, Asami?" He qestioned the girl.

Asami rolled her eyes at this, knowing that Tenzin wasn't catching the hint. She wanted them to leave at this point. "In his workshop behind the house." She told them. That was where it had to be. Tenzin nodded before having Asami lead them there. Which she did because she was going to have to prove once again that her father was innocent.

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