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"LIN, WE SHOULD BREAK UP. WE BOTH WANT DIFFERENT THINGS." Tenzin said to his childhood girlfriend. As of late, it seemed like they did. Lin was caught staring at Kya, and Tenzin was really falling for an air acolyte named Pema. It didn't seem to be going well for the two and Tenzin couldn't take it anymore. "It's not that I want to, it's that I feel like I have to."

Lin clutched her stomach. She had met with Tenzin, hoping to tell him the news, not be met with a breakup. She didn't like the news but after two weeks, she grew to accept it. Now, she was feeling that self doubt again. But, she was going to keep the baby. "Tenzin, I'm pregnant." Lin said, her eyes staring at his chest, unable to look up at him. She was upset, tears welling in her green eyes. The pain was unbearable. She was already nervous about the baby and now Tenzin was trying to break up with her.

Tenzin's eyes widened in shock. He didn't know what to say. He looked her over before pinching the bridge of his nose. He couldn't just back out of the break up, but he wasn't going to leave Lin high and dry. "Okay," he said, repeating it a couple times after. "Okay. I'm not going to just leave you, I want to help support our child." Tenzin responded, looking at her troubled with what the next step would be. He felt bad but he knew that staying with Lin would cause a strain on the child's life because a child could not save a relationship.

Tenzin rubbed his face in his hands as Lin sighed shakingly. She wasn't going to cry. Not in front of him. Licking her bottom lip subconsciously, she cleared her throat. "We are going to need to think of a plan here and now." Lin stated, her eyes finally drifting up to the man who nodded solemnly in understanding. Lin was terrified. She wasn't going to go into this pregnancy alone without the man who caused it, even if he did try to slink away. She didn't care about where they were in their relationship anymore. She only cared that her baby was going to need to be raised and not just by a busy policewoman.

There was no way that she was going to do this by herself, even if Tenzin thought about leaving. Not that Aang even let that thought exist in his mind, making sure that Tenzin knew he had a responsibility to this child, which Tenzin did take seriously. He knew that this child was his and he was going to help Lin in any way that he could. Lin appreciated this and the support system she had as she took on this pregnancy. She knew that when her baby was born eventually, they were going to be loved by everyone. Especially by her. A woman who thought she would never grow to love a child.

Toph was the same way, after all. She never thought she would ever be a good mother, but she seemed to raise Lin just fine. Lin even joined the police force after she did. Toph might have hid it well, but she was incredibly proud of her daughter's accomplishments. Both of her daughters accomplished a lot, even if they weren't on speaking terms. However, Toph wished they would be. They would get along so much better now that they both had grown up to be so much more than they were as kids.

Tenzin was now thirty-three and expecting his first child, and Lin was only thirty-two. They were both pretty young, but old enough to be able to raise their child if they had the nerve to. So, even though Lin didn't have the nerve, she forced herself to have one. She was going to be a good mother to this child, no matter what. She had to be better and more supportive than her own mother. She was going to make sure of that. She was going to make sure her daughter didn't grow up with a mother who was too strict, but strict enough.

Well, she thought she was but on the day Ami was born, she threw that philopshy out the window. That day, she decided she would do anything to keep Ami safe. She was beautiful and had heterochromia eyes, one grey-blue like Tenzin, and the other was grey-green. She had beautiful black tufts of hair and resembled Lin so much already as a baby. Her skin a bit more tanned, probably from some genes passed down from her grandfather on Lin's side and Katara. Lin, the woman who thought she could never love a child, expierence love for her own child immediately.

She decided she would risk it all to protect her daughter. She would make sure she was successful i  everything she did. She only hoped she was an earthbender like her so that way Lin could teach her metalbending. Lin knew that that even if she wasn't an earthbender, she would still be her perfect little girl.

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