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Loss. That's something Ami couldn't deal with as she raced to her grandfather's statue, seeing equalist flee. She looked at Korra's body seemingly lifeless. Falling to her knees beside Korra, she brought her close. "Korra, come on. Wake up." Ami urged as Korra's cyan eyes met with the running figure of Tenzin, calling out for Aang. Ami breathed in relief, smiling a bit as Korra called for Ami. Ami clutched onto her, wanting to ask her the hard questions. However, she didn't know how to. How do you ask your potential girlfriend / best friend / the avatar if she had her bending still?

Going into a crouched position beside his daughter, Tenzin seemed to know that his daughter was unable to ask whet those hard hitting questions. "Korra, what happened? Was Amon here?" Korra confirmed that he was there and that he ambushed her. There was a brief pause as Tenzin finally asked the hardest question. "Did he... Did he take your bending away?" Tenzin questioned, sternly. He made sure that his question was clear and attempted not to show his worry as looked over her to see if there were more injuries that Amon could've inflicted upon Korra.

Korra's eyes widened before holding up her hand as she began to bend fire from her palm. Ami and Tenzin glanced at each other in relief as Korra escaped Ami's arms. "No, I'm okay." It wasn't seconds later that Korra began sobbing, throwing herself into Tenzin and Ami's collective arms. "I was so terrified. I felt so helpless." Korra admitted, burying her head into Ami's shoulder. Ami cupped Korra's cheek in the process. It went unnoticed by Tenzin. Korra pressed her cheek into Ami's hand, feeling comfort and seeking as much as she could get from the touch.

Tenzin looked at Korra, worry sketched along his face. Though, he wasn't going to let Korra see it. He needed to be strong with her. "It's all right. The nightmare is over." Tenzin comforted, being gentle with Korra. Normally, he was stern and a bit abrasive (though it was all in a mentor kind of way).

Korra pulled away, looking up at Tenzin. "You..." She had to gather up courage to admit what she was about to admit. "You were right. I've been scared this whole time. I've never felt like this before and... Tenzin, I don't know what to do." Korra said, throwing herself back at the two.

Ami rested her chin on Korra's shoulder, letting their cheeks touch. Her hand in Korra's hair, eyes closed. Tenzin held her in a hug, keeping her close to himself and Ami. "Admitting your fears is the first, and most difficult, step in overcoming them." Tenzin quoted his grandfather. Ami knew this because it's what he would say to her when she was little, crying in her room at night.

"Let's get you back to Air Temple Island, Korra." Ami said softly, pulling away slowly. Tenzin did the same, helping Korra to her feet. The two eventually made their way to the rooms back at Air Temple Island. Three, young kids watched on sadly as Korra, still terrified was taken to her room. Ami smiled reassuringly at them, watching hope once again fill their eyes. They knew their beloved Korra didn't lose her bending when Ami gave them that look. Sitting on her bed, Korra looked up at Ami. "I'll help you change."

Assisting Korra, Ami smiled gently at her. Korra noted her gentle touches and the feeling Ami gave her. "The whole time, I thought about you." Korra blurted out.

Ami looked over confused. Suddenly, something clicked as she looked away from Korra to her feet. "I hated that I probably made you worried. I knew what I was doing was risky. And, I'm sorry. I feel like this would also be a good time to mention that you were also right. I'm not ready for Tarrlok's task force. I'm going to focus on pro bending and you for now on. I promise." Korra apologized, standing up. Her hands took Ami's gently, turning chin to face her. Korra's cyan colored eyes widened as she saw tears streaming down Ami's face.

"I could have lost you, Korra. I was so scared that I lost you. What if he did take away your bending, also? You would be so devastated." Ami knew her well. Korra had the same thoughts. Thoughts that motivated her to make sure that if her and Amon fought, she would win. "I was terrified because Korra... You are my person. My best friend and more. I couldn't handle losing you. I died a little inside when you left to the statue but I would have done more than die if I would have lost you completely."

Korra nodded before getting up, taking Ami into her eyes those time. Both expierenced their worst fears tonight. Only, Korra's worst fear had been edited at that moment. Or, maybe it had been that way all along and she just realized it. Korra's worst fear was now losing Ami and she was going to do anything to protect her. Even if it meant taking Amon down with her bare hands.

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