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Expedition South Pole

Ami sat with Katara as she worked on her upcoming journal. She couldn't help but wonder about all the wonders her family must have been being exposed to. She was feeling incredibly jealous. Still, she had to remember who she was doing this for. Korra, her girlfriend. She meant the world to her. Yet, as she sat at the table beside her grandmother, she yearned to be with her family learning about Avatar Aang and about the history of airbending. A sigh escaped her lips as she crumpled up another piece of paper, catching Katara's attention instantly.

Looking up, Katara knew what was on Ami's mind. It was a feeling that she felt from time to time, even after the war. "It's going to get even harder, you know?" She spoke up, causing Ami to glance up. She almost chuckled by the confused look her granddaughter expressed. At that moment, she saw much of Sokka within her. "Being friends with the Avatar is hard, but dating them is harder. They have to make tough decisions. However, following them might not always feel right. Aang made his mistakes, too, but some decisions that I didn't agree with ended up being for the best." Katara finished, placing a calm hand on Ami's.

Ami felt her eyes light up as Aang was mentioned. Leaning in towards her grandmother, she smiled a bit. "Please, Gran Gran, tell me more about him." She almost begged, but attempted to keep her cool. It's just that she has always heard from others how great her grandfather was, but when Katara talked about him, everything came together. She told every story with detail and passion, and Ami loved hearing everything. She and Jinora were always the ones to listen to Katara about her life with Aang.

Katara grinned at her granddaughter, humming gently. Standing up to check on the stewed sea prunes, she stirred them delicately. "Well, I'll tell you two stories where he made a mistake that almost tore us apart and a story where he made the team even stronger." Taking a sip from the ladle, she began to fill the bowl with the special water tribe cuisine that only a few people loved, Ami was one of those people. She had followed in her grandmother's and her grandmother's brother's footsteps when it came to her taste in food. She loved stewed sea prunes and any kind of meat she can get her hands on.

"There was this one time when Sokka and I were adventuring with Aang where he told us a lie. We had met with Bato, an old friend of our dad's from childhood. The meeting wasn't intentional, but was good for Sokka and I, nonetheless. He told us that our father should be sending him a letter soon that would allow Bato to reunite with the fleet. Aang feared this would mean Sokka and I would join our father and leave him. So, he hid the letter. Finding out her lied hurt Sokka and I tremendously and we didn't know whether or not to trust him again. We left, actually. However, Sokka and I decided we couldn't leave him and Bato told us our dad would understand. So, we came back to him and forgave him." Katara told her, sitting down the stewed sea prunes in front of Ami.

Ami began eating as she listened to Katara intently. Katara noticed this, smiling softly as she cupped her granddaughter's cheek softly for a moment. "The other decision, that I originally thought was a bad idea was allowing Zuko into our group. Since he had chased us for most of that year, I did not trust him. If Aang would have listened to me and told Zuko he couldn't join us... We probably wouldn't have won the war." Katara sat across from Ami as she began to eat. Not noticing the very surprised look on Ami's face.

Realizing Katara was done, Ami blinked, her hands tapping the table excitedly. "No way! You almost cut Zuko from the original Team Avatar?! Gran Gran, that's crazy. But, I get what you're telling me now. I need to trust Korra." Ami hummed before eating her stewed sea prunes happily.

Katara nodded softly as Ami checked the time on the clock upon the wall. Her eyes widened as she ate quickly. "Thank you, Gran Gran. This food and the talk was wonderful. I have to go see Korra now." Ami kissed her grandmother's cheek gently. Grabbing her coat, she rushed out the door. She was running late as she ran through the snow as Korra was seemingly packing.

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