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Korra, the Fire Ferret

The day that Mako and Bolin met Korra, they were shocked to find out that she was the Avatar as well. Bolin was mostly excited because Korra is the Avatar. Bolin also developed a quick crush on the water tribe girl that made Ami's stomach turn with something new. She was jealous. Incredibly jealous, but she shouldn't have been. It was odd. She had to deny the crush had on Korra for years because she realized that Korra probably would never like her and would probably end up liking the sweet Bolin or the easily annoyed Mako.

With a sigh, she sat on the ferry boat as it docked on air temple island. It's been docked for awhile, but she just didn't want to get up. However, she sent word to Korra that she would meet her ten minutes ago, so she knew she had to. Leaving the boat, she headed to where Korra was waiting on her. "Hey, I was getting worried. Are you okay?" Korra questioned her best friend quickly, checking over her. Normally Ami was incredibly punctual and much happier to see her. It made Korra sad to see the frown that covered Ami's face.

Ami attempted to give her a small smile, pushing the hovering girl off gently. She nodded softly as she thought of the words to say in response to Korra's questions. "I just have a lot on my mind. I know your training is starting, so I am really sorry I'm late." Ami apologized, offering a better smile to show how sorry she really was. "But, I'm here now, and I'll be here after your training, too." Ami assured her, placing a soft hand on Korra shoulder. She did her best not to look in her eyes. If she looked in Korra's eyes, surely she would confess everything to her.

Korra noticed this, but chose to let it be. She could ask later. Right now, she was running late and Tenzin was annoying when she did. Korra nervously grabbed Ami's hand pulling her to the moving gates. On their way, Korra and Ami were both blushing, not knowing that the other was. They were oblivious to their feelings. "Oh! I can do these! I got this on my first day, and I'm not an airbender, you got this!" Ami said optimistically. Ami didn't realize that Korra was struggling though.

However, Ami watched the frustration grow as Korra kept retrying the gates. Looking at her siblings as Korra began to firebend the gates, a small explosion happening, Ami brought her siblings close, putting up a stone wall. As the commotion died down, she put the wall down, letting go of Jinora, Ikki, and Milo. She was horrified as she ran up to Korra, knowing her father was about to yell at her. Pulling Korra close, she looked at the hurt expression on Tenzin's face. "Dad, she- It was an accident." She held onto Korra who was breathing hard.

Tenzin couldn't help but be hurt and angry though. His father and him trained with those gates, and Korra destroyed them effortlessly just because she was impatient. "That was a 2,000-year-old historical treasure. What... What is wrong with you?!" Tenzin blew up, making Ami wince as Korra escaped her arms. Ami was admittedly upset with Korra, too, but she knew Korra was not a patient person. She knew that eventually, Korra was going to blow up. It finally happened, and Ami had prepared herself for this moment. Korra was her best friend and though Tenzin was her father, Ami was going to stand next to her and help her. She hated that she thought ahead and chose a side that betrayed her father, but Korra was her family, too.

"There's nothing wrong with me." Korra stated, not taking any of his anger right now. She couldn't anymore. She was tired of not pleasing him. Korra was tired of not succeeding. All the elements came so easily. Why couldn't air be the same way as the others. "I've been practicing just like you taught me, but it isn't sinking in, okay? It hasn't clicked like you said it would."

Korra was trembling making Ami take her one of hands. Her hands that were still warm with fire. She took despite the fact that it was burning her in the slightest way. Tenzin looked at their hands as Korra interlocked their fingers. More anger grew in him at this action, but he tried to calm himself. "Korra, this isn't something you can force. If you would only listen to me." Tenzin pleaded with her. Ami felt sad for her dad but also knew that Korra felt hopeless in this moment and he wasn't helping the situation at all.

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