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The Investigation Begins

Ami sighed, tired because ever since that night, she hasn't been able to sleep. Ever since that night, she's had nightmares. She hasn't been the same since then and it's been a week apart. Katara has came to try to heal her but hasn't been able to find a way to bring her bending back. She was even invited out to hang out with Asami, Mako, and Bolin by Korra. Yet, the only things able to get her out of her room was the allegations made by Korra as she travelled to Future Industries to meet her parents and the avatar.

"So, you think it's Hiroshi?" Ami questioned, surprising the three as she appeared out of nowhere. They weren't expecting to see her out of bed given the circumstances. Ami sighed, looking over at Korra. She believe the Avatar, but with no evidence, Korra is going to get a lot of hate for accusing the owner and creator of Future Industries. "These allegations are very serious, Avatar. Looks like you failed to mention them to your best friend. Mom, can I take a look at the case file? I might be able to take a look and check some things out."

Korra watched in slight amazement since Ami hasn't spoken to anyone until this moment. The times she tried to visit her, the times she heard her younger siblings trying to get her to play, and the times that she did allow Korra in but would say nothing. "I didn't know you had a knack for solving crimes, Beifong." Korra said with a soft smile on her lips, putting an arm around her as Asami and Mako watched from the distance. A look of betrayal on their faces as  Ami continued to read the reports.

Ami sighed, closing the file and pinching the bridge of her nose. Looking around, there was no evidence. "Korra, I'm the great granddaughter of Republic City's founding member of the police force. I was trained to be a detective when I was old enough to read. There's no evidence. How sure about tia are you?" Ami questioned, handing the file back to her mother as she looked at the officers searching the buildings around them. Huge warehouses that were probably cleared out before they got to them. Ami had faith in Korra though as she rubbed her eyes tiredly.

Korra looked at Ami for a moment before nodding slowly, looking for the words. She put a gentle hand on Ami's shoulder as she realized Ami needed this just as much as her since she got her bending taken away and justice still hasn't been served. "Ami, I heard him on the phone. I am completely sure that I am a reliable source of information." Korra assured her as Ami glanced up at her with a nod. "Still, I can't believe we didn't find anything." Korra stated glumly as she looked at Lin and Tenzin. She felt bad for sending them out here and not retrieving any amount of evidence.

Lin sighed, crossing her arms as she glanced over the Avatar. Then, her eyes drifted to her daughter. Her daughter who lost her bending due to the Equalist. She wasn't going to just let their wrongdoings slide. "It would appear Hiroshi is innocent." Lin stated with a glum expression as she watched Ami, knowing her daughter was in deep thought. She knew that out of everything, this was going to get her daughter up and moving again. Ami was someone who believe in delivering justice to those who deserve it, and she did it civilly, not violently.

Asami approached them with a sour expression on her face as she placed her hands on her hips. Ami could read just how upset she was by her face and body language. She obviously felt betrayed by Korra, but the Avatar was only trying to do her job. Although, if she was in Asami's shoes, she assumed she would be the same way. "Okay, you did your search. Now, you can all leave." Asami narrowed her emerald eyes at the four people in front of her. Mako stood behind her in support, not that Asami seemed to need it.

Mako proceeded to take Korra away for, presumably, a private conversation. However, they weren't far enough away or quiet enough for it to be private. "So? I hope you're convinced now." Mako stated, almost in a bragging tone. It sounded as if he were saying he was right and she was wrong all along. Typical Mako, though. He always felt the need to be right, especially when he was wrong. Ami kept to herself though as Asami, Lin, Tenzin, and her watched the two as they talked.

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