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Tahno, the Wolfbat

Tahno was cold and rude. He was also a known cheater along with Shaozu. However, Shaozu wasn't as bad as Tahno and was actually very sweet. While Tahno was flirting with the fangirls at their table, Shaozu and Ami were laughing quietly about how dumb Tahno actually sounded while he flirted. They were at one of Republic City's hot spot for traditional water tribe food, Narook's Seaweed Noodlery. Ami assumed that Korra would probably love the food here, but right now, it was a team building night. Whoever won the game, the Wolfbats would most likely play against during the tournament.

Shaozu turned up the radio as the Fire Ferrets went against the Rabbaroos. Ami smirked as the Fire Ferrets took the rounds quickly. She was incredibly proud of Korra, but kept her excitement down as the Fire Ferrets won the match. Shaozu and Ami fist pumped under the table. "Man, Beifong, your girlfriend sounds talented." Shaozu said with a smirk on his lips, leaning down so only Ami could hear her. "Well, would be girlfriend if you would just tell her how you feel. You're a catch, she'll say yes." Shaozu said, leaning back in the booth.

Ami rolled her eyes, eating some more noodles. As she finished, she looked up to see Korra and Bolin enter the noodle shop. Resisting the urge to wave, she glanced at Tahno. Looking back over, she started to feel jealousy fill the pit of her stomach. She knew Bolin liked Korra. While she hoped that Korra would tell her if she liked Bolin, she didn't quite know if Korra did return his feelings. She still smiled a bit as Korra sucked up the noodles, meeting Ami's eyes with a grin. However, her smile dropped slightly as Tahno stood up to approach her.

Korra glared at Tahno with a pout as Tahno told his teammates, and the girls, to follow him. Ami sighed, knowing that this probably wouldn't be good. "Well, well, well... If it isn't the Fire Ferrets, pro bending's saddest excuse for a team. Tell me, how did a couple of amateurs like you luck your way into the tournament. Especially, you, Uhvatar." Shaozu held Ami back from whacking Tahno as Korra scoffed at the waterbending boy. "You know, if you'd like to learn how a real pro bends, I could give you some private lessons." Tahno flirted with malicious intent lingering in his voice.

Ami had just escaped Shaozu's hold when Korra began standing up. She, like Ami, was tall, but she was still intimidating. "You want to go toe-to-toe with me, pretty boy?" Korra questioned him. She was always the kind to stand up for herself and others when she needed to.

Tahno egged her on, wanting her to execute the first hit. It would mean a quick victory for the Wolf Bats. "Go for it. I'll give you the first shot." Tahno taunted, not even bracing himself. He didn't care if it hurt. He cared if he won or not.

Both Ami and Bolin were quick to let Korra know that if she hit him, they would be kicked from the tournament. This earned Ami a side glare from Tahno. Korra nodded before whistling, Naga erupting through the walls. Thankfully, Ami braced herself, knowing what the whistle meant. She laughed when Tahno and the girls ran off. Shaozu rarely got scared but still followed the group, eating for Ami at the exit. "Nice one, Korra." Ami praised before walking over to Shaozu. "I'll see you later." Ami waved, laughing along with Shaozu.

The next night, Ami accompanied Korra to the pro bending match. The two were laughing as Mako stopped them from going in. "What kind of game are you playing?" Mako questioned Korra, glancing at Ami in the process. This confused her. Why did Mako give her the side eye. Did she do something wrong?

"Uh, pro bending." Korra said confused, guesturing towards the arena. Why Mako was asking her that was beyond her. They were literally about to enter the building. For some reason, Mako must've forgotten. Unless there was something else and he was going to tell Ami what she said to him the other night."We've got a quarterfinal match."

Mako rolled his eyes at her, annoyed because to him, she was being sarcastic. He didn't realize that Korra was actually being serious right now. I mean, how could she be serious? It was obvious what he was talking about. "No, I meant with Bolin. You got him all in a tizzy and I know you're only using him. Besides, I know who you actually like. Remember? You told me." Mako stated as Korra's confusion increased. His attitude was starting to bother her.

"We're just having fun together." Korra defended, her cheeks tinting red. Her crush was right beside her. "Why do you care anyways?"

Korra went to lead Ami inside, but Mako quickly stopped the girls. "I'm looking out for my little brother. I don't want to see his heart get broken." Mako stated, crossing his arms and looking away. However, something was off about Mako. His protectiveness seemed more like jealousy. It made Ami want to roll her eyes  at him. He wasn't looking out for Bolin at all. Instead, he was looking out for himself. It kind of upset Ami, too, since Bolin was always so caring to Mako.

Korra seemed to pick up on this, too. Holding up a hand, she chuckled and smirked up at him. "So, I was right. You're not worried about him. You're jealous. You do have feelings for me. But, like I told you, I don't have feelings for you. And, anyways, you have Asami, don't you?" Korra put her hands on her hips. Ami just watched lost. Mako had feelings for Korra? It made sense. After all, Korra was perfection. At least to Ami, anyways. Still, how could Ami not see this before. Maki had feelings for Korra.

Mako glared at Korra, standing tall. He shook his head, obviously trying to find the words to same. "What? Me? Jealous?" He jerked his thumb back towards himself. He then scoffed, attempting to look serious and believable. "Pfft. Don't be ridiculous." Mako placed a hand on his hip, looking away.

Korra laughed at this action, crossing her arms. "Admit it, Mako. You like me. It's okay, many people do." She said confidently. Ami rolled her eyes, massaging her temples as she listened to her crush and friend talk about how they don't like each other. Only thing was, while Korra actually didn't like Mako, he had obvious feelings for her.

It was Ami's turn to glare at someone. She narrowed her different colored eyes and scowled at him as he audibly searched for words to defend himself as best as he could. "No, I'm with Asami." He reasoned with her, but it really sounded like he was reasoning with himself. However, at this point, Ami's patience was gone as the two argued. Finally, Ami pulled Korra away as the two yelled names at each other.

"Geez, Korra, if I didn't know any better I would think you liked him." Ami stated, walking ahead of Korra angrily. Korra's eyes widened, realizing her mistake. Did her arguement really hurt Ami? It wasn't her intention at all. Going to touch her shoulder, she frowned as the earth bender avoided her touch. "You don't get to touch me after that. a you really hurt my feelings Korra. Give me time to think." Korra watched in shock as Ami walked away.

At the end of the match, Korra walked outside, finding her quickly. She approached Ami cautiously before speaking. "It was from a joke since Bolin said Mako liked me." Korra stated, slightly shy.

Ami sighed before turning to look at Korra. She didn't know how to put her feelings into words properly but she was about to try now. "Korra, you don't understand. You made it seem like you might have feelings for him, too. I'm not what people call a pick-me kind of girl, but you're going to have to. At this point, it's me or Mako. I'm not going to get my feelings hurt. I'm not going to do that to myself." Ami stated before looking away. Korra was in disbelief at Ami's words but not surprised, at all. She understood.

Pulling Ami close, she kissed her. "I choose you and I always will. I don't have a crush on anyone else. Mako is just a friend, and you're not just my best friend, I think of you as so much more." Korra said, cupping Ami's cheek.

Ami blushed before smiling slightly. "I believe you." She whispered, looking away for a moment before kissing her again, not noticing Bolin and Mako watching from the sidelines in shock and completely heartbroken.

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