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The Southern Portal

Throughout the night, Bolin was practically shaking due to his fear of the dark spirits. Especially after Unalaq attempted to bring up Tonraq's past to the group. "Have you ever wondered how you father ended up in the South Pole?" Unalaq began as Bolin whimpered against Eska. "Why he's never taken you to visit his homeland in the North?" Unalaq looked incredibly angry as he stared at his brother. The feeling was returned as Tonraq tried to shut it down. Still, Unalaq got Korra started, making her father sigh, knowing he was going to have to tell the group about a past he wasn't proud of.

"I left the North Pole because... I was banished." The admission caused Korra's head to shoot up in shock as Ami put a careful hand on her shoulder. They needed to hear Tonraq out before outcasting him with their words. "I almost destroyed the entire tribe. Twenty years ago, I was a general in the Northern Water Tribe, sworn to protect my people. We were attacked, but I drove the attackers out of the city and deep into the frozen tundra. We tracked them deep into an ancient forest that many believed was the home to spirits. The barbarians retreated there since they assumed we wouldn't attack on such hallowed grounds. They thought wrong."

"We captured the barbarians, but we destroyed the forest in the process. I didn't realize the consequences of what I had done. By destroying the forest, I unknowingly let loose angry spirits. Unalaq was able to guide the spirits back to the forest, but by then the damage had been done. For being the cause of so much devastation, my father banished me from the Northern Water Tribe in shame. That's when I came to the south and started a new life." Tonraq looked so sad, and it hurt Ami to watch this. Everyone was shocked, with the exception of Unalaq and the twins.

Bolin let out a sound of amazement as he began to process the information he was given. "So you were supposed to be chief, then he became chief. No wonder you guys don't like each other." Mako elbowed his brother due to his comment as Ami facepalmed at his inability to keep things to himself. Bolin obviously just couldn't help himself as he continued to talk, confused on why Mako had elbowed him.

Korra, on the other hand seemed upset as she stood up. All eyes made their way to her as her fists clenched tightly. "I can't believe you kept this from me." Korra grimaced, almost as if she was in pain herself. She was pained by the fact her father had kept such an important secret from her.

Tonraq looked at her with a look of desperation for her understanding. Understanding that Korra did want to give him, but couldn't. "Korra, I was protecting you from the shame I brought onto the family." He explained, his hands moving around cartoonishly as he talked. He needed Korra to understand, it was written all over his face that he was craving Korra's sense of understanding.

But, if you met Korra, you'd know she isn't that understanding. Not when it came to her loved ones and secrets. Tonraq happened to mix the two subject together. Not only that, but Korra liked to believe she was independent from her father. "Why do you keep hiding things from me and then telling me it's for my own protection? I'm tired of you protecting me." She stormed out, ignoring Tonraq's call to her. Ami sighed, standing up to follow Korra.

Racing to Korra, she placed a hand on Korra's shoulder. The Avatar looked back at Ami to see the worried look on her face. "Hey, I'm alright, love. I'm just a little upset. I hate when people hide things from me to protect me just because I'm either related to them or because I'm the Avatar." She ranted out as she looked away from Ami, getting ready to climb on top of the polar bear dog. "I just want people to start telling me the truth. That's all." Korra mumbled, steadying herself before reaching out for Ami's hand with a soft smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

Ami sighed, taking Korra's hand. However, she made no move to get up. "You're right. People feel the need to protect you. I can understand both sides. But, I'm on your side. I agree with needing to know the truth." Ami assured Korra, getting on the polar bear dog. She then wrapped her arms around Korra's waist as she leaned over slightly and kissed Korra's cheek. She felt Korra relax, despite the group exiting the cave, getting ready to follow Unalaq.

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