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Iroh the Second

Amon was a monster. Ami stared up at the image of her grandfather, the statue covered with a mask resembling the one Amon wore. Korra tugged on Ami's arm as she and Mako began to head back to where they were currently hiding. Once entering Korra let out a low growl. "Can you believe Hiroshi? 'The Avatar is on the run.' I'm not running from anyone. Let's go back up there and knock some heads! They'll never know what hit them." Korra pretended like she was punching someone as her fist hit her palm. She wore a smirk across her face as she did so.

Ami and Mako glanced at each other as awkward chuckles left their lips. Ami patted Korra gently, causing the girl to drop her hands. "Relax, Korra. General Iroh's coming with an entire fleet of battleships. Then Amon will be the one who's running." Mako reminded, glancing between Ami and Korra. He looked pained, but was starting to understand that there was more than a friendship between the two. Still, he couldn't help his feelings any more than Ami could. Only, he had to come to terms with the fact that his weren't mutual.

Korra crossed her arms, turning away with a pout set on her lips. Glaring at nothing, she sighed loudly to exaggerate her feelings. "I hate this 'being patient' stuff." She hissed, the word 'patient' leaving her lips like venom. It was something she never wanted to be, but was forced into being when Tenzin took off. Of course, she understood why. It's just Korra wanted more than anything to not be patient. She was impulsive, loud, and wanted to take action. She wasn't one to sit back. It simply wasn't her style. She didn't like being patient because it wasn't her.

Ami frowned at her words as she looked away for a moment in thought. Smiling a bit, she took Korra's hand. "Hey, you know Grandfather had to be patient and learn the other elements in order to defeat Ozai. This is your coming to age story when it comes to your avatar legacy." Ami decided, making Korra smile a bit as they walked into the room. Pabu automatically rushed to Ami, stealing her attention away from Korra. Korra pouted following Ami as she went to sit down beside Bolin in order to play with the energetic Fire Ferret.

Asami stood up, meeting Mako as he entered. There was a large distance between them and the tension was thick. It caused everyone's eyes to be on them as Asami slowly crossed her arms, her emerald eyes glancing away. "You three were gone awhile." She glanced at Ami and Korra with worry in her eyes, but had nothing but anger when they flashed upon Mako.

Mako noticed this and then rolled his eyes at her. She was being petty. "We were doing reconnaissance." He narrowed his golden eyes at her. While Asami was acting, as Mako put it, childish, he was doing important things.

Asami rolled her eyes at Mako's response. In Asami's defense, Mako did sound awfully rude. "Whatever."She had finally responded. Ami awkwardly looked inbetween Mako and Asami as she glanced at the area around her. She was pretty surprised that Korra was able to convince both of her parents that she should come along as the Avatar's beacon of hope. Still, she couldn't help but be happy that Korra saw her that way. She knew their feelings for each other were mutual, they just didn't know how to properly make it to the next step... maybe staying with Korra was how.

When Ami was about to speak to Korra, the man who allowed them to stay with her popped out of nowhere. Gommu. She sighed, letting her eyes fall to the floor, catching the curious eyes of Korra. "Hope you all worked up an appetite, 'cause dinner is served!" He said happily as he led e group fp a wooden table, stirring the stew in a pot beside him. Korra thanked him, causing Gommu to go on about how non-benders and benders all lived together in harmony where they were. He loved going on little tangents, not that anyone minded.

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