Ball Boy (?)

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"Joon, I know I said I wanted a job, but this is not what I had in mind." Jeongguk groaned as he spoke to his best friend Kim Namjoon over the phone. "I mean, a ball boy? Seriously?"

"What's wrong with it?" Namjoon questioned.

"What isn't wrong with it?" Guk retorted despairingly. "For starters, that job is for literal children. I'm 21 years old. I haven't been a child in three years."

"Four." Namjoon corrected.


"Four years Jeongguk. You haven't been a child in four years. If it were three years, then that would make you 18, but legally you're an adult at 18, so you were supposed to say four years."

"Fuck off. Literally don't even start with me today, Joon." Jeongguk bitched into the speaker.

"Sorry." Joon said insincerely. "Anyway, you were saying?"

"Right. I'm not a child anymore, so I can't take that job anyway."

"But I can get you in, so it doesn't matter that you're not a child. It's not some fancy Wimbledon tournament anyway, so I don't think your age is gonna be an issue; it's only a country club."

"Filled with rich, snobby pricks. Ugh, Joon. Maybe I'll just take a job at the local Iceland or something. Lord knows they never have any cashiers there anyway." Jeongguk sighed.

"You're so fucking stubborn." Namjoon said, and Jeongguk could hear the eyeroll through the speaker. "Just accept the fucking job."




"You have to."

"No, I don't."

"Ugh, Jeongguk. Yes you do. I didn't want to have to tell you this, but you literally broke the ball boy's leg, and none of the other candidates were even remotely qualified to fill in. You gotta make amends by taking this job."

"So? I don't care. That snot-nosed bastard deserved it anyway. I mean, who the fuck stands in the centre of the ring with some expensive mountain bike while someone's clearly aiming for a half-pipe? Go to the fucking country side if you want to ride a bike like that - not a skate park. Or at least bring a bmx instead! He had it coming. Stupid fucking Cornelius. How's he meant to see the ball and catch it if he can't even spot a fucking 6"2 guy on a skateboard coming right at him? If you ask me, he's not qualified for the fucking job either." Jeongguk muttered bitterly.

"Jeongguk he's 11."

"And apparently he's fucking blind too."

"Jeongguk." Namjoon said exasperatedly, "Give the poor kid a break. Just take the stupid job and fill in for him. The club gets a replacement while Cornelius heals, and you get paid too; it's a win-win all around. I just started working here and I really like this job and that girl I like is finally starting to give me the time of day. They put me in charge of finding a replacement and I really don't want to screw things up by not doing a good job, man. You'll be good at it; I know you will. It's only over the summer anyway. You'll be done with it all in 6 weeks and you can forget it ever happened. Please?"

"Fine." Jeongguk grumbled after a while, scowling like a petulant child. "I'll do it. But only for the money. After that, I want to forget that it ever happened."

"Thanks." Namjoon said gratefully. "Really Jeongguk, thank you."

"No worries, man. After your breakup with Seokjin, I don't want to ruin your chances out on the dating field again. I'll take the stupid job if it means that much to you." Jeongguk said.

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