Fake Love p2 (A)

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Hey guys!

Sorry for the tremendously long wait, but this took FOREVER to write oh my fucking goodnessssssss. I had to keep making sure it aligned with part 1 and then also had to show character development and it's been two months since I started this because I really wanted it to be good. I really really hope you enjoy this! It's more than 10k words which is actually kind of crazy lol so I might end up splitting it into more than 2 parts.

There's brief mentions of suicide in the beginning and then it should be fine from there.

"Jeongguk get up."

Jeongguk remains motionless.

"Jeongguk? Get up." Hoseok says, mildly concerned. He walks over to Jeongguk's bed and gives him a gentle poke.

Jeongguk still doesn't move.

"Jeongguk!?" Hoseok calls again, panicked. His heart is beating rapidly as he frantically shakes Jeongguk once again, rolling him over and physically sagging with relief when he sees Jeongguk's face, alive and breathing. There are tears in his bleary red eyes as he stares back at Hoseok.

"I'm not fucking dead, so you can leave me alone now." Jeongguk mumbles bitterly. "I know Jimin only sent you to make sure I didn't try to kill myself again. Leave the keys under the mat when you go."

Hoseok frowns at his friend.

"Well good morning to you too. For the record, Jimin did not send me; I came of my own accord, you know, because we're friends??" Hoseok says. "And can you blame him anyway? You may be a pain in the arse but we still would prefer you to not be dead."


"How was your sleep?"

"I slept for 2 hours and dreamt of Tae. And then thought about him for the 6 hours I was awake for."

"2 hours is better than no hours." Hobi says, "And I'm sure you'll think of him less as the days go on and you learn to get over him, so don't feel too bad."

"I appreciate the sentiment, but I'm not in the mood. I don't even wanna exist today, let alone tackle my problems." Jeongguk pulls the blanket over his head and curls back into himself, blocking out Hobi and the world.

"Well, you have to tackle them before they take you out completely." Hoseok says wisely, pulling the blanket back. "Even if it's one thing at a time." He looks over beside Jeongguk's head where his phone is resting on his pillow. He reaches over to grab it before Jeongguk can and he sighs in disappointment when he looks at the screen.

"Jeongguk, didn't we agree that you'd change your lockscreen months ago?" He says gently. It's a picture of Taehyung in a red dress, eyes scrunched and lips wide in a pleased grin as he poses shyly for the camera.

Hoseok remembers that day vividly - Taehyung and Jeongguk had hosted a garden party as a housewarming celebration, shortly after they'd moved in together, and Jeongguk had been so blatantly enamoured with Kim the entire night that nobody even had the heart to poke fun at him for it.

He remembers feeling proud of his best friend for being able to find his dream home and doing it all with someone who completed him so dearly.

Hoseok turns the screen off.

"I know, but I just...can't." Jeongguk frowns sadly.

"We changed it together, remember? To that picture of us at the seaside so you could look at people who actually care about you. When did you change it back?"

Taekook Oneshots.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ