Doctor's Note (M)

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Sorry about the long wait! I've had some personal problems irl so I haven't had time to write.

This was requested by Unknown_taekooker, I hope you like it.

Taehyung feels sick at school, but luckily Dr Jeon is always there to help.

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“Jeongguk, I don’t wanna go to school.” Taehyung complains as he kicks the blanket in frustration. He was supposed to have gotten out of bed 20 minutes ago, but had dutifully turned off his alarm and gone back to sleep, hoping to ignore all of his responsibilities. The only reason he’s awake now is because Jeongguk had woken him up and told him to get ready.

“I have a headache.” Taehyung declares suddenly.

“No, you don’t.” Jeongguk dismisses. He's standing at the foot of their bed, taking off a blue shirt from the hanger.

“A fever?” Taehyung tries again. Jeongguk sighs and walks back to the bed, leaning over and touching Taehyung’s forehead with the back of his hand.

“Nice try.” He says, unamused.

“Gukkie I want to stay at home, for fucks sake.” Taehyung groans. “Write me a note so I can stay in bed. What good is it dating a doctor if you’re not gonna write me sick notes and diagnose me with terminal sexiness?” Taehyung groans as he flops dramatically back onto the bed.

“Tae, it’s only Wednesday. You can make it through the rest of the week.” Jeongguk reassures. “You’re perfectly healthy, so I'm not writing you a note.”

“I have cock-withdrawal symptoms!”

“That’s not a real thing.”

“I...I’ve gone blind?” Taehyung feebly tries again.

Jeongguk sighs and his shoulders sag in defeat as he reaches for a dark purple tie to go with his shirt.

“Hey, that’s mine!” Taehyung complains.

“I thought you’d gone blind?” Jeongguk says dryly, but the corner of his lip quirks up in a smile.

“Fuck you.” Taehyung sighs in defeat. He heaves his tired bones up and gets off the bed, walking over to stand next to Jeongguk at the wardrobe. He picks up a dark green dress shirt and stares at it emotionlessly. “Do I even really need a degree?” He sighs.

“How else will you pay off your student loans?” Jeongguk points out.

“Well,” Taehyung snorts, “I don’t know if you know, but I am in fact dating a doctor and I hear they earn crazy money. Perhaps my rich fancy slut boyfriend can pay off m-”

“Your what!?” Jeongguk splutters.

“You’re my slut.” Taehyung grins nonchalantly and Jeongguk quips an eyebrow up in response.

“Need I remind you of that time you cried because I wouldn’t let you give me a blowjob?”

“S-So?” Taehyung stutters in response,

“Th-That was ages ago; I'm a changed man now. I know my worth and know much better than to fret over such insignificant matters.”

“Baby, that was yesterday."

“Fuck you, Jeongguk. In fact, you’ve offended me so much that I can’t possibly go to school today.” Taehyung huffs in offence, putting his shirt back in the wardrobe and trying to head back to bed. Jeongguk grabs him by the waist and stops him from going anywhere.

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