Peas (F)

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Giselle hunny...
She was my aespa bias as well 😭

Sorry I'm late with this update but I saw a cat get hit by a car and it really threw me off for a bit 😭

Angel Jeongguk and human Taehyung are happy being domestic together.


“I get that you’re my guardian angel, Guk, but how exactly does groping me every 5 minutes protect me from sin?” Taehyung asks teasingly to his boyfriend as he stands in the kitchen chopping up vegetables. Jeongguk’s been squeezing his bum and gipping his hips ever since he stepped foot in the kitchen, utterly incapable of not touching Taehyung when they’re near each other. “It’s not exactly going to keep Satan at bay.”

“I’m the professional here, so I don’t understand why you question me all the time.” Jeongguk smiles as he takes his hands away from Tae’s arse and wraps them around his waist instead. He makes a face when he sees the vegetable bag next to the chopping board. “Oh, by the way, God told me to tell you that peas make you more likely to sin and-”

“Nice try, idiot. They’re going in, regardless of what you say; they’re good for you.”

“They taste awful.” He whines, frowning childishly, “I hate the texture of them.”

“You won’t even know they’re there once I'm done.” Tae smiles as he moves onto the broccoli. “You’re making a big fuss out of nothing.”

“I guess I'll just starve today then.”

“What a fussy little Seraphim you are. I thought angels were supposed to be accepting and grateful for everything?”

“I’ve lived for far too long to be abiding by the rules still. Everyone needs to break the rules sometimes. Except for you. Stay pure and sweet forever.” The angel says, peppering kisses along Taehyung’s neck and using the other hand to push the bag of peas closer towards the bin.

“I’m not blind, you know.” Taehyung laughs as he watches his lover slide the peas further and further away. “If they land in the bin then you’re sleeping on the sofa tonight.” He says without any malice behind his voice. It's obvious he’s enjoying himself but refuses to say.

“If I sleep on the sofa tonight then who’s going to wrap their wings around you to help you sleep?” Jeongguk teases. “You and that little habit of yours.”

“I can’t help it! I just got so used to it, that I actually can’t sleep when you’re not here.” Tae responds honestly. Over the years, he’d slowly got accustomed to falling asleep in the warm embrace of Jeongguk’s wings, and he tosses and turns on nights that he’s not there, unable to get comfortable without being held close. “I should nip it in the bud, but I get the feeling that it’s too late now.” He admits sheepishly.

“Now it’s up for you to decide; peas or a good night’s sleep?” Jeongguk says smugly, already knowing the outcome already as Taehyung slowly bites his lip in contemplation.

“Fine.” He concedes, “You better hold me extra close tonight otherwise there’s gonna be peas for breakfast.” He threatens as Jeongguk smiles in amusement and nods his head earnestly.

“I can’t wait for you to die.” He says happily.

Taehyung shudders and smacks him lightly on the head.

“How many times do I have to tell you to stop saying that. It's not comforting at all. Find alternative ways to tell me you love me.”

“It’s true though! I want to see what you’d look like as an angel. To be honest, you already look like one now, so I don’t know how it could ever improve."

“H-Hey! We already agreed no peas, so you don’t have to keep sweet-talking me.” Taehyung murmurs in embarrassment as he stirs the sauce in the pot. “Go set the dining table, please.”

“One day, I'm going to take you on this dining table.” Jeongguk says casually. “I’m going to ravish you in so many different places. On the floor, on the sofa, in the clouds; everywhere.”

“Only after marriage.” Taehyung reminds him, finding it incredibly ironic that he has to keep reminding the literal angel in front of him about waiting until marriage before having sex. “I’d like to keep my virginity until we’re properly together.”

“So that handjob I gave you yesterday-”

“Shhhhhh.” Taehyung dismisses as he fights back laughter, “Technically that’s not sex; it’s a sexual action.”

“I’d like to do a sexual action on your arse.” Jeongguk states, and Taehyung smacks him on the head with a ladle.

“I hope I live until 105.” He says with fake spite and Jeongguk also laughs.

Sure, dating an angel was weird, but with his addictive, charismatic and wholesome personality, Taehyung felt that he wouldn’t have it any other way. He was often swamped with conflicting feelings towards death – on one hand, he wanted to die soon so that he and Jeongguk could finally get married and be together properly like they wanted; but on the other hand, he wanted to live long and stay with his friends and family and achieve lots of things in his lifetime. On days like today, the feelings were especially hard to navigate, but being with Jeongguk helped reassure him that everything was going to be alright eventually.

The angel calls his name from the dining room and Taehyung snaps back into reality. He quickly adds the finishing touches to their dinner (along with one secret ingredient) and plates the food to bring out to the dining table.

Jeongguk stares at the plate with intense discontentment and scowls.

“I thought we agreed no peas?”

“I also thought we agreed no wings in the living room? Don't think I didn’t hear that vase break.”

“I had a cramp!” Jeongguk defends weakly.

“You know, for an angel, you lie a lot.” Taehyung teases.

“So do you.”

“I’m a human; I'm expected to lie! My strong guardian angel is supposed to keep me from lying, not swear at my dog and guilt trip me.” Taehyung laughs openly.

“You suck. You suck a lot.”

“You like it though.” He quips, and a smile breaks out on Guk’s face. “There’s a plate for you in there without any peas.”

“Yay!” Jeongguk beams. “Love you, TaeTae.”

“I love you too, my angel. Now hurry up before your food gets cold!”


I absolutely recommend reading my book BALL BOY because I'm super proud of it. It is switch Taekook but they only fuck like 3 times and Jk tops for two of those 3.



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