Burning Love (A)

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Firefighter Jungkook loses his fiance to the one thing he swore to protect the world from
Warning: Fire & Death

Jungkook sat up carefully in bed, trying not to disturb his lover sleeping peacefully on his chest. He happily gazed at Taehyung's tanned face, counting the moles which only made him even more precious. His long, dark lashes fluttered against his cheek as he curled further into Jungkook's chest, before finally stirring awake.

"G'mornin Kookie." He yawned cutely, fists rubbing away the sleep from his eyes.

"Mornin' love" Kook smiled, leaning in for a kiss and pouting when Tae moved away.

"No kook, I stink." He gumbled.

"And so do I," Jungkook smilled, pulling a reluctant Tae into a loving kiss. Jungkook loved the soft, plush feel of Tae's rosy pink lips on his own and he felt himself grin into the kiss at the fact that the boy in his arms was all his.

"So how's my fiancee doing this fine morning?" He teased, smiling at the flush of Tae's cheeks, "I take it you're doing well considering the noises you were making last night."

"S-shut up!" Tae whined, playfully hitting Jungkook's muscular chest amd earning a laugh. "I still can't believe you proposed to me of all people, Kook. I don't deserve you."

"Aww yes you do, baby. You are so special and deserve the whole wide world. I'm so glad you said yes. I love you so much more than you'll ever know." He gushed. "I can't wait to show you off next time you come down to the station."

"Noooo Kook, no. All of your firefighter-y friends are gonna tease me so much, especially Yoongi hyung." Tae laughed.

"Ahh well we have all the time in the world to brace ourselves for the teasing since I'm not going in to work today."

"R-really?" Tae squeaked, unable to hide his excitement.

"Yes peach, really. It's just gonna be me and you today and we can do whatever you want. Heck, I'll even learn that Fanny dance you keep pestering me about."

"Fancy Jungkook. Fancy!" Tae shrieked with laughter at his best friend's stupidity (A/N: Stan Twice bitches)

"Yeah yeah, hun, same thing." He smiled, "doesn't matter anyways, because you have all day to teach me" The two lay together in a comfortable silence, basking in the reality that they were fully each others'.

The narcissistic jingle of Jungkook's Iphone tore the lovers out of their daze.

"Ugggghhhh Kookie whyyyy." Tae grumbled, whining at the loss of contact when Jungkook got up to get his phone, though he stopped when he got an eyefull of half naked Kook. Jungkook  couldn't hold back his grin as wolf whistles came from across the room.

"Hello?" He asked, smile faltering as the conversation went on. "For fucks sake why now?" He sighed, running a hand through his long raven locks. "Right, okay whatever. Bye." He ended the call.

"Fuck." He shouted, angrily shaking his head as he walked back to the bed. He sat on the edge of the bed, leaning into Tae's concerned touch.

"What's wrong Kookie?" He asked.

He sighed. "Listen, Tae baby. I-I know I said we'd have all day together but I've just been called in to do a few things at the station. I-I'll be back real soon though, I promise. It's only to file a few papers. No more than an hour tops, I swear. M-maybe you could come with me? Like I know you don't like to sit there all bored but at least we'll still spend some time together? Ugh babe I'm so sorry, I'm such a dipshit- I should've done them beforehand." He nervously rambled, heart shattered at the prospect of  breaking his baby's heart.

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