A Taste of You (M)

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Top Tae
Bttm Guk
Purely bc I haven't done it in a while lol

The smell of Jeongguk’s pheromones hits Taehyung as he opens his front door and drops his bag on the floor in the hallway. He runs his hand through his hair out of fatigue and inhales deeply, finding the scent of his omega relaxing for him after a particularly long day at the office.

There's a distant growling and shuffling sound and he sighs as he makes his way towards it. It gets louder as he approaches his bedroom, and he can hear Jeongguk mumbling to himself quietly too. Taehyung exhales deeply. This is why when someone makes a comment about what a handful of an Omega Jeongguk is, Taehyung always wants to tell them “You don’t know the half of it.”

He walks into the bedroom and sees Jeongguk laying on the bed sideways, one hand wrapped around a blazer he'd had definitely nicked from Tae's wardrobe without permission and the other hand wrapped around his cock, jerking himself off hurriedly and trying to mouth at the fabric.

Taehyung can see a big wet patch on the back from where Jeongguk had no doubt leaked slick all over it great now I’m going to have to get it dry-cleaned he thinks, mildly annoyed. Guk is moaning Taehyung’s name and is almost too lost in himself to register the fact that Tae is standing right there in the doorway.


Abruptly, he sits up and lets go of his cock, wiping his hand on the blazer which makes Taehyung wince. Guk begins growling and snapping his teeth, and he lifts his hand up to tug aggressively at the muzzle secured around his mouth.

“Off Alpha.” He demands. “I want it off.” Taehyung rolls his eyes and doesn’t move from his spot against the doorframe.

A small part of him gets it; he knows Jeongguk is passionate about his job as a model and hates having to pass up a weeks’ worth of opportunities twice a year when he’s in heat. He also understands Jeongguk’s apprehension towards being away from each other during his heat too, but sometimes he could be a little bit dramatic about it.

Taehyung is head of the data analytics department and there’s a huge merger about to be done. He can’t afford to take an entire week off in one go when it’s not even his rut, otherwise he’ll fall behind and get chewed out by the higher-ups. Jeongguk knows it too, but whether or not he actually cares, is a different story entirely.

Unfortunately, this means he has to come home to Jeongguk riled up like he is now, completely unsatisfied after having to make it through the day by himself. Jeongguk growls again and it snaps Taehyung out of his thoughts.

“Want it off now.” He snaps, slightly drooling out the sides of the muzzle. “Take it off.”

Taehyung stares at him blankly, unimpressed by the lousy intimidation tactic. It's always Jeongguk’s first attempt whenever things aren’t going his way, but unfortunately for him, he’s the furthest thing from scary and more or less just looks like a puppy whenever he tries. It's not even on tight anyway – Jeongguk can still eat through it, it’s waterproof so he can shower, and the material doesn’t dig against his skin, so he can sleep on his side too. Taehyung knows this because he wore it over the weekend himself the first time he’d bought it years ago, just to make sure it wouldn’t hurt his omega.

“You know you can’t be trusted without it on, Gukkie. Don't give me that face.” Taehyung sighs. “If I take it off, you’re going to mark me everywhere and it’s inappropriate for the office environment, you know that. If I were working from home this week, it’d be different, but you know I'm working even on Saturday, so I'm not taking any chances.”

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