Boos and My Boo (F)

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I am so dyslexic it’s not okay. Good luck trying to figure out what the fuck I mean half the time. Some of these sentences don’t actually make sense but just look the other way for me okay thanks bye.

“Jeongguk, what in fuck’s name are you wearing?” Taehyung complains angrily as he stares despairingly at his stupid, brainless best friend. 5 minutes ago, Jeongguk had showed up at his door at the agreed time of 6:30pm, ready to go together to the Halloween party their friend was hosting. Except his costume was not at all what he said he was going to wear and Taehyung is filled with absolute rage as he takes in the ridiculous get up. “I thought we agreed that you were not showing up to the party as a minion?”


“If you knew how close I was to punching you in the goddamn face then you would not be making any jokes right now.” Taehyung seethes. “I can’t believe you’d fucking do this to me at the last minute! We were gonna enter the couples contest!”

“Taehyung, relax; everything’s gonna be fine.”

“No it’s not going to be fine! How can I show up as Andy without Buzz Lightyear? It was Andy and Buzz, not Andy and some random fucking Minion.”

“It’s not some random minion; I’m going as Dave specifically.” Jeongguk defends.

“Either way, you’re going by yourself so have fun.” Taehyung yells in betrayal as he angrily tugs off his cowboy hat and throws it on the floor before storming off towards his bedroom.

“Tae.” Jeongguk calls out, “Taehyung.” He sighs as he picks up the hat from the floor and walks over to his best friend, grabbing his arm before he can reach his bedroom. Taehyung glares at the floor and refuses to make eye contact as Jeongguk tips his head up with one hand and carefully puts the hat back on Tae’s head. The close proximity makes his heart race and admittedly, most of his anger dissipates at his gentle touch.

“It’s going to be fine, okay? Screw the stupid competition. Let's just go and have fun with our friends and we can enter the competition next time, hm? You make a beautiful Andy, even without Buzz. But I'm still sorry I came as a minion.” Jeongguk speaks gently as he tries to calm his friend down.

“You’re the worst person ever.” Tae complains.

“I know.”

“And you look ridiculous.”

“I know.”

“And we might’ve had a shot at winning too.”


“And you’re gonna get absolutely 0 pussy looking like a fucking cheese string.”

“I’m not looking for any so I don’t really mind. I just want you to be happy and come with me to the party, pretty boy.”

Taehyung scowls with his arms crossed petulantly across his chest and nods begrudgingly, trying to tamp down on his wild feelings, masking his elation at the little nickname.

“Fine.” He agrees after a while, “But you’re driving.”

“There we go” Jeongguk says happily,stretching out a hand to boop at Tae’s nose. “I knew you’d come around.”

“Next time, I’m going with Jimin.” Taehyung mutters and Jeongguk just laughs heartily as he picks up Tae’s keys and tugs his friend towards the door, ready to go fucking crazy at their annual Halloween party.

The hours pass by in a blinding neon flash and Taehyung finds himself feeling incredibly lightheaded. He and Jimin had drank a worrying number of shots and danced like crazed maniacs, bumping and grinding against each other on the dance floor before passing out in the middle of the room, only to wake up an hour later and do it all again. Taehyung’s sure there had been some ecstasy taken at one point, but his mind is so fuzzy that he doesn’t even bother trying to remember. It was either a drug or a parma violet and it was far too late to care now.

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