Fake Love (A)

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Jungkook and Taehyung are in a relationship but someone's being unfaithful:(

We don't like cheating in this household 😠😠

Jungkook and Taehyung were in love. There was no doubt about it. When Jungkook first laid his eyes on sweet and innocent Taehyung, that fateful day in college, he knew instantly that Tae would be the one.

Now, their love wasn't always smooth sailing. Initially when Jungkook had first started showing an interest in Tae, many warned him to stay away from the cold "bad boy" with "dangerous tattoos".

"He'll break your heart!" Minho had exclaimed, desperate not to let his friend go. "I don't want to see you sad, Tae."

But Taehyung didn't listen. It was like something was pulling him into Jungkook. Like it was destiny. And after eight months of "platonic" cuddles and sleepovers, Jungkook finally asked Tae out. His cheeks were red and his eyes wouldn't meet Taehyung's own, but he had done it nonetheless, mumbling an awkward confession to the clueless boy.

The beginning of their relationship wasn't anything extraordinary. It was essentially their old friendship, except for Jungkook stealing kisses at every opportunity.

"K-kookie" Tae had whined into his mouth, his toungue oh so pliant against Jungkook's own as his lover squoze his plump ass. Tae relished in the way that he fit so well in between Jungkook's muscular arms and often found himself wishing he was being pinned down by them.

On their two year anniversary, Taehyung and Jungkook made love.

And when Tae skipped happily into school the next day, all heads turned. It was a dangerous sight; a lighthearted cutie with vicious dark purple marks littering his neck. The growl that emitted Jungkook's lips was almost demonic. He wrapped his arms protectivley around Tae's waist, pulling him against his side.

Tae struggled to bite back the moan that bubbled in his throat. This. This was the side of Jungkook which he loved to see. He wanted to see. He needed to see.

The two boys fucked without control that night.

Fast forward two more years into their relationship, and Taehyung and Jungkook had just moved into their own apartment. It was large and expensive, at Jungkook's demand, but cozy and homey because of Taehyung. They shared a black king sized bed which sat proudly in the middle of their bedroom, and to the right of their room was the sex dungeon. Throughout the years, the two had gotten to know each other's kinks, everything working out nicely when they realized that they were both pretty similar in that area.

Life was great for the two lovers. The only disagreements were on trivial things such what the date was, and even after silly bickering like that, the two quickly made up. Two more years passed in the blink of an eye for the pair, and neither could fathom the idea of being without the other.

The months flew by for the boys and before they knew it, a grand total of 6 years had passed them by. Well, 5 years 362 days, but who was counting?

Jungkook was.

He was ecstatic, nearly bouncing off the walls in the weeks leading up to their 6 year anniversary. He was so proud to have Taehyung by his side and he knew they were destined to be together.

"Tae!" He called, ruffling his own hair up as he stepped into their quiet apartment. He took his leather jacket off and chucked it carelessly onto the floor. "Baby?" He tried again, walking down the hallway and up the stairs, knocking softly before entering their room after no response.

"Bubba?" He whispered, heart clenching with pure adoration as he took in the sight of his sleeping lover, who was only wearing one of Jungkook's shirts and a pair of blue panties. He was absolutely breath-taking.

Taekook Oneshots.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora