My phone started ringing and I excused myself swiftly walking to my room and sliding the green button. "Hey, mom," I said tiredly. Deep down my heart was jumping with joy she'd called.

Chattering from behind her became vivid and her voice was muffled as she spoke. "Hi, sweetie. How are you? Settled well?" Her voice soothes me after a long time of not hearing it.

"I'm good and yeah." I looked at Emery watching some grinding on TV. "What about you? How's...Jake and everyone." I swallowed the bitterness wrenching those names out. You see if I don't mention them my mom thinks I hate them and gets emotional and gives me a long 'I'm just trying to move on' speech. And if I ask, I feel infuriated. They never asked about me.

A loud laugh echoed through the phone making me frown. Where was she? "Oh." She exclaimed and I felt irritated. She forgot I was still on. As if she read my mind, she started speaking again. "Sorry about that Louis and Catherine brought these huge party poppers. You know how they are." She started laughing at something- I recognized Jake's voice- said.

My heart sunk in my chest. Damn, she already traveled to Louis and Catherine who were all the way in England. Typical. "Hello?"

I shook out mustering a small laugh. "Yeah, I was just saying how great that is. It's been a while since we've had any parties in the house." My voice became dimmer and dimmer, but I choked out the words in the hope she wouldn't suspect anything.

"Mhm. Well sweetie I've got to go and get the cake but have fun at Welton okay? Call me sometime." She rushed through the words canceling the call before I could speak up. I didn't have the voice anyway, so I pursed my lips and threw my phone on the bed.

Staring at my reflection in the mirror I saw the frowning girl that changed little since she was picked up. I saw the girl who at the age of eleven was left by her parents. I saw the girl who was ripped away from her sister. The same sister who never called her. I saw the rejected girl who fought the world with an unconscious mind because if she was to see the real world- She would not be able to handle the loneliness of it all.

Shutting down my emotions I got out my vape pen and set it on the bed along with Marlboro. I hastily went through my closet and got out my black tight dress and stripped locking the door. I pulled it on and adjusted the thin straps and the horizontal slit at my stomach. Taking out my heels I stuck the strap on and did my make up keeping it natural and applying a good coat of clear lip gloss and winged eyeliner.

My hair was already naturally wavy, so a curler was unnecessary. I looked in the mirror and smiled. I looked fierce and pretty for once. No traces of the girl I once was.

Stuffing my stuff in my bag I bit my lip and texted Sersha putting a black coat on and walking out towards the back of the academy. It was already starting to dim so no one would see me much or care much.

Tonight, I was ready to let loose.


Sersha met me at the back of the school as said. There was no one there but a few ditched equipment and the school exist. She was leaning against the brick wall tensely looking around left and right. I noted her outfit. It was a modest dark green silk that went past her mid-thighs and was held with delicate straps and a scooped neckline. She wasn't alone either. A boy with dark skin and hair was scrolling through his phone snickering. He wore jeans with colored patches and a long hoody that had reflective lines glowing in the dark.

She looked up at me and a warm smile blossomed on her face as she walked forward. "You look stunning Bryce." She gushed softly.

I smiled at her sincerely. "Thank you and you are too. "I complimented my eyes straying as the boy walked to us with a lop-sided grin.

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