"I talked to Jordan's mom and Jake..." She trailed off avoiding eye contact. I sat up straighter at the mention of Jordan. Fuck him honestly for giving me out. He went back home and told his mom that I was the one giving him cigarettes. Like shit, it wasn't him buying them after school.

Some parents can't see anything but an angel really.

"I think it's time you had a fresh beginning." She pursed her lips looking up. "You've been cooped up in this city for so long with the same people, same scenery that maybe venturing out will give you a better mindset." I arched my eyebrows wholly shocked. She was letting me travel? The thing she never wanted me to do until I was twenty-one and secured a job.

"What's the catch?" I immediately demanded knowing no way in hell was she letting me do this without a benefit to her.

"I'm sending you to Archdale."

I took a few moments processing that. Archdale.



I loathed that place. The thought of going anywhere relatively close to my past... No. "I don't want to." I swallowed shaking my head.

"I know but you have to Bryce. It's for your own good. There's an exceptional school- Welton Academy and it's for children like you who... who have trouble figuring themselves out." She gingerly put out her red-painted lips in a tight line.

I frowned and rolled my eyes at her. "I know who I am. There's nothing wrong with me." My mother opened her as if to argue but she thought against it. It annoyed me even more. Was she going to say I was dysfunctional?

I knew I was but reassurance on that hurt.

She let out a heavy exhale and walked around the island to sit next to me. It made me even more fidgety. "There's nothing wrong with you Bryce." She softly put out running a hand through my hair. I jerked away still mad at her choice. I wouldn't allow her to put me in hell and then sugar it down like everything was fine. It wasn't fine. Nothing was fucking fine at all. "There's no school that will fit our status here- "

"I don't even want to go to a rich school mom. I just want to... be normal." My eyes started to burn and cursed. I hated crying but whatever the bitterness was towards it I would always end up crying out of frustration.

"You are normal. You just need a new perspective. Go there. Jake and I already talked to the principal and she's willing to let you in. A lot of kids go there Bryce. It's not bad at all. I think you'll find it enjoyable." I snorted turning to look at her emerald eyes. I was always jealous of how pretty her eyes were with gold specs and long lashes that framed them.

"If it was enjoyable then would you really be sending me there as punishment?" I countered.

"Bryce." She groaned her eyes dropping with amusement. "You know what I mean. Just go for the year. It'll be better."

But would it? It wasn't like I'd give up smoking or drinking. It wouldn't stop me from pushing food away and getting my lighter out. I had so many combinations of them too. Vapes to pens to cigarettes to bottles of vodka and gin. I was half the time drunk, and my mom knew it. She'd found me once in the house passed out on the floor in my own vomit with shattered pieces of glass. I'd even stunk of tar. The worst part according to her was I'd done it all on an empty stomach. She'd tried to talk me out of it over and over, but I kept listening from one ear and letting it pass through the other.

I didn't want to go to Archdale but by the look on my mother's face, I knew it was the only thing that would give her peace. She'd been worrying way over her head about me and I sometimes wondered if she even wanted me anymore. If like my parents,  she'd put me at the adoption center and be done with the mess I'd become.

"Fine," I muttered looking away.


Jake had arranged for a chauffeur to drop me there since mom had back-to-back meetings all day. He'd told me that she couldn't drop me now or at night too since apparently, they both had a date. Either way, I did not care because debating with Jake would mean more shit on me, and frankly, I have too much on my plate for anything else.

Now as the black GMC drive, I lean back on the leather seats eating a bar of chocolate granola. I did not know what to expect in Welton Academy. By their website, they were very quaint and admirable with plenty of recognition across the US and even England. It was posh by the website. Girls were to wear plaid skirts, blouses, and a maroon dress jacket. I was used to it considering my last school did not allow us to wear any piercings or have our hair colored. It was forbidden. Shoes were a whole different drama too here. Only flats or strapped ones.

I squirmed in my seat as we hit another rocky patch causing us to dip. I was starting to think this academy was built on potholes.

The divider slipped down, and I caught eyes with my driver. "Ma'am we are five minutes away from the academy." I nodded and collected my things putting on my sneakers and gathering my jumper. I wasn't organized like the twins, but I certainly wasn't irresponsible. To an extent that is.

The car came to a stop and the chauffer jogged to my side opening the door and helping me down. My feet hit grey asphalt and looked up at the academy. It was huge no doubt about that. Behind the iron gates, it had an antique look to it with tinted windows and brownstone.

I took hold of my suitcase jutting out the stubborn handle and I walked in through the gates. I took a bite of the chicken mayo sandwich I gripped in one hand as I entered. There were already students sprawled across the green grass studying or talking to their fellows. I didn't stare back at the ones gawking at me as I walked through.

My phone clutched tightly I looked at the time.


Five minutes till my appointment with the principal. I decided to go to the administration hall. Just as I was about to step on the textured steps a motorbike went skidding in front of me a feral inch away from my feet. 

I yelped dropping my things wide-eyed as I stared at the guy on his sleek bike. He wore a helmet so I couldn't make of his face only seeing my own frightened reflection.

"Watch where you're going." His voice dimmed as it came out of the helmet. I furrowed my brows.

"Excuse me this is school grounds. You're not supposed to be driving here. The parking lots that way." I snarked picking my phone up and dusting it.

"The bitch room is that way." He retorted making me clench my jaw.

"Can you move so I can pass through or are going to continue being a jackass?" I asked gathering my things.

The bastard stayed where he was, and it frustrated me not being able to see his face. He probably thought I was a lunatic.

"Fuck off." He muttered revving his bike. I scowled at him my veins singing with fury. As he was about to leave, I threw my sandwich at him watching in triumph as the mayo and chicken slid down his shiny helmet protector, bread falling on his lap.

I flipped him off and walked past him up the steps with a smirk.

He was an absolute full-time asshole. I hoped his bike popped a tire. This school was definitely for the rich and the snob. It was exactly what Louis and Catherine would love. I didn't know if I could survive the whole year here. Especially when the thought of having been labeled trouble came into view.

I wasn't a troubled person. I just didn't care.

Life and I had a pledge. We fuck each other off and today I lost.

Always Aaronजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें