Start from the beginning

"Yeah, it's been too long, girl." He takes his time to look me up and down, licking his lips, "looking good as always."

"Just for you," I wink, then turn to take in the surprisingly empty room. The ordinarily bustling leather sofas and high chairs are vacant, devoid of their usual occupants.

"Slow night?" I ask, but the noise emanating from the lower level suggests otherwise.

"Nah, the Boss called and said his favorite VIP was coming, and we needed to keep this place empty."

Smiling at his comment, I walk towards the railing overlooking the dancefloor below, scanning the crowd for Stephan. With his platinum blond hair and colorful attire, he's hard to miss. Spotting him, I wave, and he returns the gesture before mingling among his patrons and friends.

Turning back to Kal, I notice his attention has shifted from me to Isla, who has silently joined me at the railing, observing the gyrating bodies below with wide-eyed wonder.

Shaking my head at him in warning, Kalei shrugs and returns to his post guarding the rear entrance. Smirking a little when I turn back to my sister, I know exactly what Kal was looking at. Isla is easily the most stunning thing in this room, myself included. But it's not just her visual appearance that's alluring. There's something else, something more profound that I can't quite put my finger on.

Leaning her head back and peering up at me, she raises a brow then returns her focus to the pulsing crowd, the heavy sound of Post Malone's voice coming over the speakers as a remix of "Rockstar" blares from below. Leaving her to continue her crowd watching, I turn and make my way over to the bar, ordering two vodka lime and sodas from our own personal attendant.

Taking our drinks back over to where Isla is, she frowns when I hand her the glass, "what is it?" she asks, taking a sniff, her nose wrinkling at the smell.

"Something that will keep the demons at bay," I tell her, raising the glass to my lips and taking a mouthful.


"You know, those pesky voices in your head that hold us back. This, my girl, is going to be your best friend," I explain, gesturing to the drink.

Tipping the glass to her mouth and taking a small sip, her tiny frame shudders as she swallows, then takes another mouthful, this time bigger, a large smile forming on her lips. "I like this."

Laughing at her response to alcohol, guessing that this is one of her first experiences with the stuff, I admonish, "you need to pace yourself. Otherwise, it can get messy."

Nodding her head and taking a smaller sip, she grins, "yes, sister."

"Now that," I start, waiting until her focus is on me and not her drink, "we need to keep the family stuff on the quiet. There are people out there that would be very interested in you if they knew. Bad people," I warn, my voice just above a whisper.

I understand," she tells me, then takes another sip, a small giggle escaping from her lips, and I immediately know she will be a lightweight.

"On that note, I'll get you a water," I say, turning back to the bar. Downing the remains of my drink, I order two glasses of water and another vodka, lime, and soda for myself.


After a few drinks, Isla is captivated by the atmosphere, her movements syncing with the music. It's clear to me that it's time to take her to the dance floor. "Alright, chicca, I believe you're ready to join the big kids downstairs."

"Downstairs?" Isla giggles again, a touch of fear in her voice.

"Yes, come on, you'll love it."

Finishing her drink, she turns to me, a look of determination on her face, and nods once, "I'm ready."

THE CONTRACT (The Chosen Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now