I-Land pt.2

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Nishimura Riki

"You" He said.

Loud and Bold.

My heart raced at his words.

"W-what?" Was the only thing that I could mutter out, being so shocked and confused by his sudden braveness.

"You. You happened. I am so in love with you and I have been since I first laid eyes on you when we met for the first time at the company. You were the prettiest girl I have ever seen, you are so sweet, kind and you care so much for others. More than you care for yourself. Yo uhave always been the sweetest to me, you have taken care of me and made me feel like I was worth it. You made me feel like I deserved to be here when I thought I didn't. Thank you." he spilled his heart out to me and I was overwhelmed with the amount of love he was spilling out, it was sweet and cute and I fell more in love with him than I already was.

"Riki- I love you too. I fell in love with you during our time here in I-Land and when we were in the ground together. I had the biggets crush on you when I first came into the company but overtime I fell head over heels for you" I opened my heart up and I could see the corners of his lips turn upwards into a small smile as his cheeks turned a pretty pink.

"So will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me and I nodded my head like an excited little puppy.

He chuckled at me and he sat down next to me, opening his arms for me as I smiled up at him and took up his offer, giving him a tight teddy bear hug.

"Will we tell K and the other boys?" Ni-Ki asked me and I shook my head as a 'no' and he looked at me very confused.

"Not yet. I want to tell them after this test because I want it to be a reward for them once we crush the other teams!" I explained to him and he seemed veyr happy with what I had said and he smiled and nodded, giving me a thumbs up whilst he was at it.

"Hey, are you two going to come through with us or are you just going to stay in here all day?" K came back into the room to fetch the two of us and we both got up from the floor and headed out of the practice room, joining the rest of the group in the main area, just chilling together and having a casual chat.

We were all just calm and casual until K asked something that took me by complete surprise.

"Are you two dating yet?" He questioned Ni-Ki and I, we both looked at each other before we both looked back at K with our eyebrows raised and our eyes wide open from shock.

"Why the sudden question?" I asked my older cousin with my head tilted to the side in complete confusion and he chuckled.

"Well the two of you like each other and it's so damn obvious so can you two please just date already!" K blurted out and everyone in the room was honestly taken aback, especially Ni-Ki and myself.

"Well about that... We sort of confessed to each other in the practice room and Ni-Ki asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes. I wanted it to be a surprise for when we whooped everyones butts in the performance but I guess the cats out of the bag now" I chuckled out of nerves and I looked at everyone in the room, they all seemed slightly shocked but they were happy for the two of us.

K smiled brightly and he took both of us in for a hug and he congratulated the two of us, just like the others were.

It was nice and sweet and I couldn't have been happier to have Ni-Ki by my side.


Hey my lovelies!

I don't normally post a lot so this is a little bit special I guess but I am trying to finish this book as soon as possible because I feel really bad for keeping everyone waiting for so long!

I also am working on another book that I am going to finish writing before publish anything.

I hope everyone is well and I love you all so so mcuh! Make sure to take care of yourself and stay safe out there!

Love from Nana <3

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