Cold but sweet

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Kim Sunoo

Sunoo and I had been dating for a few months now, he was a very cold person to many people but he was the complete and utter opposite when it was just the two of us.

Today was no exception, I woke up and got myself ready for the day before I went into my kitchen, seeing my elder brother, Jake, he greeted me and gave me the pancakes he had made before we both headed off to school.

As we entered the school grounds, we both went our separate ways, he went to his group of friends and I went to mine.

"Hey girls!" I greeted my group of three friends, Mina, Jenna and Jisoo, they all hugged me and we started to gossip.

"So how long have you been dating... The cold one for? Like, is he treating you well? Is he being rude to you like he is to most people?" Mina asked me as the three of them were full of curiosity and had no idea what he was like.

"Actually, he's really sweet and he cares a lot for me, he doesn't like to show it but he's always looking out for me. We've been dating for just over four months now and yes girls, he is treating me right" I explained to them and they squealed because they were so happy that I finally found the man for me, which took a very long time to do so.

"I am so happy that my baby sister finally found herself a good man whom will take care of her!" Jenna beamed in delight, pulling me in for a hug before jumping up and down with excitement.

"I sometimes forget that your my girlfriend and not my wife babe, the amount of times you call her your baby sister" Jake came over to us and he wrapped his arm around Jenna's waist as he pecked her forehead, the rest of his friends also coming over.

"Babe, I've called her my baby sister ever since we became friends like seven years ago, calm down" Jenna gave him a sassy remark and he placed his hand over his heart, acting like he was offended, making us all laugh at his silly behaviour.

Sunoo was also in that group of friends, he stood right next to me and he actually interlocked our pinkie's together, causing me to smile and blush slightly.

"Hey guys! Why don't we all skip school today, we can go and have fun then we can finish with a sleepover at our house!" Jake suggested and everyone agreed pretty much immediately before we all left the school grounds and headed off somewhere.

"We should go back to our house first, you boys can borrow some of my clothes and you girls can-" Jake didn't get a chance to finish his sentence.

"We always bring extra clothes for things like this but we always steal Y/N's clothes anyway, so it doesn't really matter" Jisoo cut him off as she smiled innocently and I only rolled my eyes at the thought of the three of them stealing my clothes again.

We all continued to chat and walk down the street before we eventually made it back to Jake and I's house, getting in and splitting up.

"Okay, let's all choose now outfits and we should plan what we're going to do otherwise they might take us all over the place!" Mina commented and we all nodded in agreement because those boys are just crazy and chaotic, especially when together.

"Okay, so first we should go to the amusement park for about an hour or so, then head off to the arcade to play games, head to a restaurant and have lunch before we go shopping until dinner, then we can eat out again before we finish the day off with going to the beach" Jisoo had planned everything out and we all agreed to the plan and the four of us started getting changed into something nice.

(Y/N's outfit)

(Y/N's outfit)

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