Mafia Boyfriend

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The sound of a loud and ear peircing gunshot rang through my ears and awoke me from my slumber. I shot up from my bed and sat up straight with my head towards the bedroom door.

"Not again, please not again..." I pleaded with my hands together and my eyes sealed shut. I was the girlfriend/fiance of the most powerful mafia boss in the whole country, Jay Park.

Jay and I had been together for six years, yes he kills people for money and because they did something wrong to him but he also killed them because they were awful people who did very awful things in their life and... Well... I loved him no matter what.

"Y/N?! Come with me, people are here to take you away from us. Jay hyung wants me to take you away from here and he will meet us in the safe house, let's go! Grab anything valuble, we might not come back here" Jungwon, Ni-ki and Sunoo burst through my bedroom door and threw me three bags, I ran into my closet and put my favourite and valubale clothes in before rushing around mine and Jay's shared room, frantically putting all my things in the bags.

After I had gathered everything, the three younger boys all took a bag each and left my room swiftly as I rushed on after them, I was much smaller than all three of them so I had a little trouble keeping up with them, they were fastly walking and I was jogging to keep up with them.

"Just this way noona" Ni-ki slowed down a little and walked by my side to make sure that I didn't get kidnapped or had fallen too far behind them, he was keeping me safe.

Before we could go any further, there was another loud and scary gunshot but this time... my leg felt like it had been stabbed my knives and my leg gave up, I fell to the floor and my knees hit the ground and I put my hands out to stabalise myself so I didn't hit my head.

"Y/N!" Ni-ki quickly and swiftly stopped, picked me up carefully and started running after the two older boys, keeping me very close to him and making sure that I wasn't going to get hit again.

More bullets flew past our heads as I clung onto the younger boy for dear life, hoping and praying that none of the other boys, including my boyfriend, didn't get shot or killed whilst I was being taken away to the safer place. We got to the car and Ni-ki placed me in, buckling up my seatbelt then running to the other side and getting in the car himself.

"Aren't the three of you too young to drive?" I questioned the three younger boys as Sunoo was currently sitting in the drivers seat and Jungwon in the passanger seat, Ni-ki frantically trying to find something to place over my wounds so I wouldn't lose too much blood.

"We've been driving for years noona. Keep all of your energy and let Riki attend to your wounds whilst I drive us all to the safe place" Sunoo hushed me and I rolled my eyes, letting the younger one drive and the youngest attent to my wounds as Jungwon stayed silent on his laptop, presumably helping the others or simply hacking into cameras etc, doing what he did best.

The drive there was pretty crazy, Sunoo was driving ridiculously fast, my wounds were covered but not fully attended to, it was the best that Ni-ki could have done.

"We are here, help her out of the car and let's take her to the master bedroom, where the boss would want her to be" Sunoo stopped the car and the three boys got out, Ni-ki and Sunoo came to my side and opened the door for me before they both helped me out of the car, Sunoo carrying me this time and taking me inside of the safe house, it was large but still smaller then the other villas that we all lived in.

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