Leaders little helper

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Yang Jungwon

I am the girlfriend and Yang Jungwon, the leader of the monster rookie group, Enhypen.

I am always helping them with anything and everything I possibly can, I help with hair and makeup, choreography, singing, rapping and also with clothes and even just helping them at the dorms, with cooking, cleaning and even things like making sure they are awake and asleep at a certain time.

The managers, staffs and CEO's all noticed that I helped around when I first started dating Jungwon but after time, they offered me money for helping so much.

It first started when I was backstage at one of their performances, they were short staffed and I offered to help one of the Unnies with Jays makeup whilst she did his hair, she was sceptical at first but let me help.

They took one look at his makeup and asked if I could help do everyone else's too, I helped them with anything and eveyrhting I could.

After that day, I ended up being with Enhypen almost 24/7 and still am, helping them with anything and everything possible.

Today was no different, I was with the boys in the practice room, helping both them and the choreographer with the dances, helping the choreographer teach and helping the boys learn their dances for their performances.

"Y/N? Could you help me with this part in the choreography please?" Jake asked me politely, I nodded my head and quickly made my way over to him, showing him the moves slowly and precisely.

"Ah! Right! Thank you Y/Nshi! You truly are the best! Wow!" Jake thanked me and I giggled before thanking him too, heading over to the small couch and taking a seat, looking at my phone and seeing a text from my mum.

Just as I was about to text her back, she called me, I smiled and took my phone before heading out of the practice room and picking up.


"Hi mum! Is everything alright? How are you?"

"Hello sweetheart! Yes everything is alright and I am doing well my love. I was just wanting to check up on you"

"Ah right! Well I am doing alright, I am doing great and I am enjoying helping everyone with everything and I am getting paid for it, even if it's hard work and I don't need to be paid, they are being so kind and are actually paying me for it"

"Well that's great sweetie! You know that we're all proud of you and we miss you too baby!"

"I miss the four of you too mum! I can't wait until I get my next break and I can see you all again! I also can't wait for you guys to eventually meet Jungwon!"

"Ah yes! We are very excited to meet him too babygirl! Do you know when you are next getting a break?"

"Unfortunately, I don't know but I am hoping and thinking that it'll be soon"

"Okay sweetheart. Well I am going to let you go since I am sure your busy and it's also very late here so I am off to bed now. I love you honey and I miss you"

"Night mum. Have a good rest and I love you too!"

"Okay, bye honey!"

"Bye mum!"


I hung up the phone and entered the practice room again with a big smile on my face, feeling less stressed and better after talking to my mum again.

"What's got you so happy?" Jay asked me with a raised eyebrow as I looked up from my phone and smiled at him, he was sitting down on the floor, resting.

"My mum called me, I haven't heard her voice in a month or so. It was really nice to hear her again" I told him, he nodded and smiled softly at me, clearly being happy that I was so happy after talking with my mum.

"That's great! I am glad you got to talk with her again. When was the last time you saw her?" Jake asked me, taking a seat next to Jay on the floor, I smiled sadly at the two of them before sighigg bbg and looking at the floor.

"About four years ago now. I moved to Korea four years ago to study and three years later, I met Jungwon, we started dating and that's when everything started I guess" I explained to them, their eyes widened and their faces dropped as they looked at me with sad eyes.

"I am so sorry about that Y/N, you are really strong, you know that right?" Heeseung joined in the conversation and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, I looked up at him, smiled and nodded my head.

I noticed Jungwon standin with Ni-ki at the side so I decided to head over to the two of them, I stood by Jungwon's side.

He wrapped his arm around my waist as he spoke with Ni-ki about the dance practice, I listened to the two of them.

"I am glad practice is going well, do you think we'll all be ready in time for the performance?" Jungwon asked Ni-ki, he sighed and shrugged his shoulders, I pouted slightly as I looked at the two of them.

"You will be. I've seen how hard all of you have practiced, you've managed to learn this dance so quickly and everyone is getting it. The performance is in three days and if you all just keep practing for a few hours everyday, you'll be prefect by the time of the performance. I know it!" I told the boys seriously, trying to motivate them as much as possible, I was telling the truth and nothing but the truth.

"Thank you Noona, you are such a big help. Thank you for always be here" Those words from Ni-ki felt good as he pulled me in for a quick hug before he left to attend to the other members, helping them with their practice.

"You really are the best baby. Thank you for helping everyone else, including me. You're always helping me too, thank you being my little helper baby" Jungwon came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder.

I turned around and faced him, hugging him properly, wrapping my arms around his neck and smiling up at him.

"What can I say baby? I am the Leaders little helper!" I chuckled at him, hugging him again and placing my wha don his chest, listening to his heartbeat whilst sharing a warm hug together.


Hey y'all! How do we like this one? Do you guys like it? What do you think of it? How are you all feeling today?

I love y'all so much and remember to stay safe and healthy!

Love from Nana ❤️

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