Surprise Visit

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Nishimura Riki

Riki and I had been dating for about a year and a half now, we had been best friends since we were little kids and he had asked me to be his girlfriend the day before he left to go to Korea, that was the last time that I had seen him.

Of course we FaceTimed and called all the time, I had met his members through phone calls and FaceTimes, they were all so kind and caring towards me, especially since I was the youngest amongst the seven of them.

I had called Jungwon and the two of us discussed whether I could go to Korea and surprise Riki for his birthday.

Of course they agreed because they wanted to meet me in person and they also wanted to surprise their Maknae for his birthday.

"Okay, great! My flight is just away to take off! Tell Sunghoon I said happy birthday and I'll be there in a few hours or so!" I informed Jungwon as we spoke over the phone, I hung up and placed my phone back in my bag before I hugged both of my parents goodbye and boarded the plane.

I took my seat and looked out of the window, quickly picking up my phone once I realised someone was calling me, it was Ni-ki.

"Hey babe!" I greeted his happily, I was smiling from ear to ear but of course he couldn't see that, but you could definitely hear it in my voice.

"Hello smoll babie! It's Sunghoon Hyungs birthday today and he wanted to speak with you!" He told me and there was a little noise, I assumed that he was handing the phone over to Sunghoon.

"Hey Y/N" Sunghoon greeted me and I smiled before I greeted him back.

"Happy birthday by the way! Have an amazing birthday and remember to smile!" I told him and he giggled before thanking me and handing the phone back over to Ni-ki.

"Welp, I am gonna go baby because I know you have school, remember to get good grades!" He warned me before laughing, I couldn't help but laugh at him too.

"Okay, goodbye baby, I love you" I said to him and he said the same back and we hung up the phone.

I sighed before looking out of the small window, smiling to myself as I couldn't wait to finally meet the members and to finally see Ni-ki again after so long of not being able to see him.

Because the journey was only a few hours, but I had to wake up early for the flight, so I closed my eyes to try and sleep on my way there.

A few hours later, I woke up to the flight attendant informing everyone that we would be landing soon, I got a few of my things together and I waited for the plane to land in Seoul.

The plane landed and I followed everyone as we all left the plane, I left the plane and I noticed two really tall, male figures standing, waiting for me.

I slowly approached them and I noticed that they were smiling at me, as I walked closer.

"Y/N! Hi! Oh my- you really are small! Come on! Let's get you to your hotel room, it's the opposite from ours and well keep texting you so you we can keep you updated about where we all are!" It was Heeseung who told me and I nodded my head whilst smiling at them before the three of us got into a car, getting inside and the driver driving off.

"It's nice to meet you Y/N, I am Enhypen's manager, here's my number so I can help you with the plan" he gave me his phone and I put my number into his phone and also put his number into my own phone.

"So Y/N, your how much younger than Ni-ki again?" Jungwon asked me and I sighed as I looked at the two of them.

"I am actually only three days younger than him, my birthday is on the 12th of December" I explained to them and they widened their eyes, clearly Ni-ki hadn't told them.

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