When you break up pt.2

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Jay Park

It had been two years since Jay and I broke up and since he had started dating that girl.

I had been talking with Sunghoon even more lately and the two of us started getting closer and three days ago, the end of my dating ban, he asked me to be his and of course I agreed.

Today he and the rest of the boys had asked me if the girls and I all wanted to go out to the park with them and then head off to the beach, we all agreed and were currently getting ourselves changed.

"Yah! Y/Nie? Are you ready to go?" Seongyoung asked me and I nodded my head quickly and excitedly as the two of us linked arms and walked out of the room, heading into the main room and seeing the girls already waiting for us.

"Okay off we go then, don't want to keep pretty boy waiting now do we?" Mingjung teased me since she knew that that was what I called Sunghoon.

"Shut up! Let's just go!" I complained and they laughed at me before we all left the dorms and started walking to the park that they had told us to meet at.

As we approached the small, abandoned park that was almost always empty nowadays, I saw the seven boys standing, waiting for the four of us, I waved at them and they waved back.

I rushed over to them and completely left the girls, running over to Sunghoon and jumped into his arms, he giggled and wrapped his arms around my waist before he spun me in a circle and pecked my temple.

"Hey cupcake, you okay?" He whispered into my ear and I looked up at him with a small smile, nodding my head firmly.

"Okay, so, let's play a little game shall we? Tag! Y/N is it!" Sunghoon pulled away and tapped my shoulder before he ran off, along with everyone else as I chased after Seongyoung, tagging her and running away again.

I ran next to an extremely large tree, hiding behind it, I turned and realised there was someone else there too, Jay.

"So you and Sunghoon? When did that happen?" Jay folded his arms over his chest and leaned against one of the other large trees, raising and eyebrow at me as I let out a scoff.

"Three days ago, why would you care Jay?" I followed his actions and also folded my arms, but I stood up straight and looked at him.

"Because I was your boyfriend first! I have a right to know!" He slightly raised his voice at me, earning only a scoff and a slight glare from me, I straightened my back and placed my hands on my hips as I stared him down.

"You! Jay Park! Told me that you'd always love me and that you would wait for me! Wait for my debut! Wait for me! Wait for my dating ban to finish so we could get back together. Guess what! You went back on your word and got yourself a girlfriend! You didn't even tell me Jay! You didn't even tell me when I was at the show with you! I asked Jungwonie about it because I saw the two of you flirting and being all couple like! So don't you dare say that you had a right to know Mr. Jay Park!" I yelled back at him, he seemed to be smaller, more quite as my voice only got louder and louder with more anger and rage.

Soon enough, I had finished my rant and stormed away from him, walking away from everyone else and sitting down on the grass.

"Hey cupcake, what's happened?" Sunghoon sat himself down next to me and placed his head on my shoulder, I sighed and placed my head on his.

"Jay...He was saying how I should've told him about us and I...I just got mad because he didn't even think about telling me about him and that other girl" I let out a frustrated sigh, looking up at the sky before falling back and laying on the grass.

Sunghoon chuckled before he laid down next to me and took my hand, intertwining it with his own.

"Jay Hyung is upset, that girl...She cheated on Hyung and he's been so upset and angry that he has strange outbursts about random things here and there, don't think too much of it, okay?" Sunghoon looked at me and I looked back at him, I agreed to his statement and smiled softly at him.

"I am so happy to be with you" He spoke to me as he looked back up at the sky, smiling as he let out a loving sigh.

"Oh really pretty boy? I am happy to be with you too Mr. Park Sunghoon" I giggled, propping myself up with my arm, resting on it as I looked down at Sunghoon, admiring his features.

"You know? I am sort of glad that you and Hyung broke up, otherwise I might've never gotten the chance to steal your heart and make you mine" Sunghoon sat up straight and looked me in the eyes, smiling, I smiled back to him and I moved closer to him, sitting more next to him and placing me head on his shoulder.

He wrapped his arm around me and kissed my temple, I felt warmth and fuzziness with this feeling, the feeling of love.


Hey y'all! Sorry for the little bit of a later update! I was taken to hospital for a few hours due to a very bad asthma attack and I was there for a few hours but I am all well and safe now!

Have a wonderful day to evening and rememebr to take care of yourselves! Drink and eat plenty, make sure you rest and take frequent breaks!

I love you all and that you so much for all the growing reads! It's amazing and inspiring for me so thank you!

Remember your amazing and worth absolutely everything!

Love from Nana ❤️

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