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Jay Park

"I am so excited to be in the Dive Into You unit!" I squealed in excitement, being happy that I got into the unit that I wanted to be in.

"I am excited to be in the Flicker unit but you aren't there with me Y/N-shi" Chaewon unnie pouted her lips at me, a giggle escaped my lips as I looked at her sad and pouty face.

"It is alright unnie, you have Heeseungie oppa to look after you and Jayden unnie will be there with you, there is nothing to worry about!" I tried to reassure her but she crossed her arms over her chest and furrowed her eyebrows, becoming even more pouty than before.

"Easy for you to say! You have your little crush with you and you also have Minnie unnie and Sunoo-ah!" She continued to complain at me and I couldn't help myself but to laugh at her childish behavior.

"Stop talking about my crush! I don't want to think about that whilst we are on the show, you know who will find out and she will scream at me when she does" I crossed my own arms over my chest and huffed at her mentioning my crush out in the open, knowing that Lila unnie could easily hear us if she was nearby enough.

"Who does Y/N have a crush on?" Sunoo's voice came out of nowhere as he stood next to me, completely towering over me with his height.

"Oh she has a crush on Jay-" Chaewon unnie revealed who my crush was so I lunged at her and covered her mouth as my eyes were widen open and my mouth was ajar, I was shocked to say the least.

"Yah! Shut up!" I raised my voice at her slightly, her eyebrows furrowed and she removed my hand from her mouth.

"Don't yell at me!" She yelled back at me, scolding me slightly.

"Just go to Heeseung and Jayden unnie please. Go and start practicing, you pain!" I asked her, pushing her towards the large practice room, wanting her gone and out of my sight as a heavy sigh left my lips.

"Fine but just know I am your personal cupid" She blew me a kiss goodbye and ran off to the practice room, obviously expecting that I would run after her but all I did was sigh and place my head in my hands.

"So... You have a crush on Jay hyung?" Sunoo nudged my shoulder to tease me and my head shot up, glaring at the boy as he let out a loud and contagious laugh.

"Oh be quiet!" I playfully smacked his shoulder before walking off away from him and starting to walk to the practice room, Sunoo catching up to me and walking by my side.

The two of us walked up the stairs together and we joined the rest of our unit in the dance studio, Daniel, Ni-Ki, Ta-ki and Hanbin all stood in one corner, watching the dance video, some of them already marking the chorus of the dance.

Jay was off in a corner on his own, watching and analysing the video whilst Minnie, Hayley, Jiwoo, Mina and Jeongyeon unnie all sat together on the floor, talking and eating.

"Why are you all not discussing parts yet? Whatever, let's all get in a circle and decide on who fits what part" Sunoo asked, the two of us sitting down next to each other in the circle, Minnie unnie sitting on my other side, placing her hand on my leg because she liked skinship and she was closet to me.

"Okay, so I have watched the dance and I think I know who should be what parts" Jay announced to everyone and I was slightly shocked but also impressed that he analysed the video that quick and came up with that.

"Right, so tell us who you think would suit what parts and why" I asked and he started looking around at everyone, looking at me and smiling brightly.

"I think you, Y/Nie, should be part 2 because it shows off your vocals and also your rapping skills, not to mention the dance break that it shares with part 4. Now onto part 4, I think Ni-Ki should part four because of obvious reasons, he is probably the best dancer here" Jay started off with telling us who should be what part and he went around the room telling everyone what part they would suit, everyone agreeing with him too.

"Okay, that settles it. I am part 1, Part 2 is Y/Nies, part 3 belongs to Sunoo and part 4 goes to Ni-Ki. Part 5 is Minnie's, Part 6 goes to Hanbin hyung, part 7 is Ta-ki's and part 8 goes to Hayley, part 9 to Daniel, part 10 to Jiwoo, part 11 to Jeongyeon and finally, part 12 goes to Mina" Jay told everyone what part they got and everyone seemed to be very satisfied with what part they had gotten so we all got up and started practicing individually.

"Hey, Y/N? Can I talk to you for a moment please?" Jay came over to me and asked me for his time, I nodded my head and placed the ipad down gently before following him out of the room and into the small corridor next to the practice room.

"What is it you wish to talk about Jay?" I asked him, placing my hands behind my back and smiling up at him.

"Well... I actually wanted to tell you that... I like you, I have had a crush on you since the first test and I really wanted to tell you. I hope this doesn't make things awkward between us" Jay smiled softly down at me but with side eyes, he must have thought that I didn't like him back or something but I did.

"Jay, I really like you two, ever since I saw you perform The 7th Sense with Sunghoonie" I admitted, making Jay's eyes light up and his smile grow ten times bigger than it already was.

"So? Will you be my girlfriend?" Jay asked me the question that I had been waiting for, I nodded my head like an excited puppy and the two of us walked back into the practice room together.

"What has you all smiley?" Sunoo asked me quietly and I looked at him with an even bigger smile, trying to give him a slight hint that Jay had just asked me out and we were now a couple.

"No way! Oh my- Honey that's amazing! I am so happy for you!" Sunoo congratulated me quietly and gave me a small little side hug because he knew that I was super happy about this.

"Okay everyone, let's all take a break and grab some lunch, Daniel? Could you go and tell the flicker unit that we are away to have lunch and that they are very welcome to join us" Jay requested for Daniel to go and fetch the other group and the youngest male obeyed and went off to go and grab the flicker unit from the other practice room.

We all went out of the small practice room and we made our ways into the main area, some people going to actually cook food whilst some others just went and grabbed snacks, I sat down at the table with ramen and a little fruit bowl, Jay sat on one of my sides and no one sat on my other side.

Everyone appeared and started grabbing food or making themselves some food, Chaewon unnie sat down next to me and nudged my arm, I looked up at her with a confused look.

"Lila is sending you daggers" She mumbled under her breath, just loud enough so I would hear her, I looked over at where Lila unnie was and she was indeed sending me daggers.

"Yah! How dare you Y/N-shi! Come out to the balcony, I want to have a little chat with you" Lila unnie stood up from her seat and she stormed off to the balcony as I sheepishly followed after her, being scared of what she was going to say or ask me.

We stepped out onto the balcony and she closed the door behind me then she turned around, her arms crossed over her chest and a very angry look on her face as she glared directly at me.

"Why are you dating Jay when you knew I had a crush on him"


Hello everyone! I hope you guys enjoy this part! I am really looking forward to actually writing this for each member because I have a lot of inspiration for each member!

I hope you are all taking care of yourselves and making sure you are eating, sleeping and drinking healthily! I love you all so much!

So- I have a new book out and it is called "I-Landers Lovers" and I am so excited to have finally published it because I am in love with it!

Thank you all for what? 25K? That is mad! Thank you all so much, like from the very bottom of my heart, thank you!

So much love from Nana <3

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