Truth or dare

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Lee Heeseung

"Oh my gawd! I am actually so so bored y'all! Can we please do something?!" My leader asked, looking over at Enhypen, waiting for one of them to agree with her idea.

"Sure, why don't we play truth or dare?" Ni-ki suggested and my eyes went wide as I looked over at my group.

Yuna - Leader
Mina - Main Vocalist
Jena - Center
Jeongwan - Lead rapper
Hyunjin - Youngest
Y/N - Oldest/Ace

"Sure! Let's play! It will be great fun and well all have a great time playing! Get in a circle everyone!" Yuna beckoned for everyone to get into a large circle so we could all start playing.

I sighed in defeat before getting into a circle, sitting down between my boyfriends legs, resting my back in his chest.

"Okay, I want to go first! Jay, truth or dare?" Heeseung asked the younger boy from behind me, the boy looking at his Hyung with narrow eyes, thinking about his answer very carefully.

"Truth! Because you are so cruel when it comes to giving people dares Hyung" Jay answered and I heard Heeseung laugh from behind me as Mina side eyes me before opening her mouth to speak.

"Don't worry Jay, your not the only victim to the older members evil dares" Mina commented, looking over at me and making very obvious that it was me who she was talking about.

I couldn't help myself and I burst out into a fit of giggles as I remembered all of the times I had made her do really harsh dares.

"What? It fun to tease y'all and make you do things you wouldn't normally! You're the ones who always suggest the game anyways, so blame yourselves!" I defended myself, hearing Heeseung chuckle from behind me as I raised my hands in defence.

"Anyways! Jay, isn't it true that you have a crush on Jena?" I could practically HEAR Heeseung smirking from behind me, I placed my hand over my mouth to contain my laughter.

"I- erm.. HYUNG!" Jay covered his face with his hands out of embarrassment and I looked over at Jena, smirking and nodding my head.

She got up and tapped Jay's shoulder, he looked up at her and she smiled down at him before she motioned for him to follow her out of the room and into the small hallway outside of the room.

"They are definitely about to start dating!" Mina commented and I couldn't help myself but to laugh and nod my head, agreeing with her statement.

"Y'know baby, this is very similar to how we started dating, isn't it?" Heeseung whispered into my ear from behind me, very quietly but somehow, Hyunjin managed to hear him and her eyes went wide.

"Wait! Tell us the story on how you two got together!" She begged both Heeseung and I, my moved to the two people who came back into the room and I ignored Hyunjin's request.

"Awww look at you two! The cute little couple! We're happy for you!" I congratulated Jay and Jena, being absolutely over the moon happy for the two of them.

"Unnie! Dont ignore Hyunjin's request! Tell us your little love story why don't you?" Jena sat down with Jay, across from Heeseung and I, smirking at the two of us and I could only glare at her and bite my inner cheek.

"Okay, I'll start the story off then because Y/N hasn't actually heard this part, so I'll tell you all" Heeseung started off and I looked to my hands, fiddling with my fingers and waiting for his side of the story.

"A few years ago, when we were close to finishing school, a year or two before we graduated. We got partnered up in a science project, I had no idea who she was at the time because Y/N was actually a very quiet person in school. I did in fact think she was pretty but I actually had a girlfriend at the time" Heeseung started and I nodded along, remembering his past girlfriend and a few of the memories that both Heeseung and I shared with her.

"My girlfriend at the time was a very sweet and kind person, she was actually a lot like Y/N, but Y/N is better I have to say. My girlfriend was so kind and everything that she actually decided to make friends with Y/N first, before me. The two of them started hanging out more, Y/N became more confident and she joined out little friend circle. Y/N turned to be more talkative, more open and very chaotic, an Y/N that I hadn't even known to exist" Heeseung continued to tell the story and a wide smiled formed on my face as I recalled all the times from school.

"But one day, my girlfriend broke up with me and she told me that she fell out of love, truth was, I had too. We both agreed to stay good friends and we both helped each other to confess to our new love interest" Heeseung told the group and my face turned confused, he had never told me this part before, he always told me that his girlfriend just broke up with him with no explanation, just an apology.

"Hehe, we were over at her house for a sleepover when we all decided to play truth or dare. It was her turn before me, someone had asked Y/N and she answered with truth, then they asked her who her crush was and if she had one at all. Y/N nodded her head and honestly it broke my heart, I thought I wouldn't have a chance with her. Then all of a sudden, they asked if it was me and Y/N nodded her head so shyly. I did the same as what Jena just did. I got up as I took her outside" Heeseung continued on, I placed my head in my hands out of embarrassment, remembering the awful confession.

"I asked her out and told her I liked her back, no. I told her that I loved her. That's how we started dating, it was pretty much the same as you two, except the fact that we had a little history together before dating" Heeseung finally finished telling everyone our love story, with a proud ass grin on his face whilst he wrapped his arms tightly around my waist.

"That's actually so cute Unnie! I love your relationship even more now!"

"That was too cute Hyung!"

"Now I know why you're so abordable together"

"Why haven't you told us before?!"

"That was such a cute story!"

There were many comments from all of the younger ones and I couldn't help but giggle shyly and also glare playfully up at Heeseung.

"Okay, okay. Let's get back to practice instead please!" I offered and everyone laughed at me but did in fact agree to start dancing again after the little break we had had.

"Hey baby, thank you for everything. I love you" Heeseing pecked my lips and smiled down at me, I smiled back up at him.

"I love you too baby. Thank you too" I pecked his lips back before giggling and turning away to start practicing with everyone else.


I'm sorry for not updating a lot guys but I have exams and unannounced exams too as well as tests! But I promise that I will attempt to write more!

I really had fun writing this chapter not going to lie so I do hope that you guys like it? Let me know!

So- I have a new book out and it is called "I-Landers Lovers" and I am so excited to have finally published it because I am in love with it!

Thank you guys so so much for 8K that's absolutely INSANE and I can't thank you enough!

Love from Nana ❤️

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