When they propose

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Park Sunghoon

"Babe? Wake up, come on baby!" Sunghoon tried to wake me up from my sleep, for the eighth time, but I simply ignored him and continued to sleep anyway.

Sunghoon sighed and left my room as I also heard the front door open and close too, I assumed he left to go to the practice studio with the rest of the boys as well.

"Why on earth would he want me up so badly? He knows that I rarely get up when someone asks me to. Weird" I muttered to myself, sitting up in my bed and rubbing my eyes with my fists.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and got up, stretching out all of my limbs before I walked over to my bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror.

"Those haters are so right... My face is so puffy from crying last night... I am not letting Sunghoon see me for the rest of the day, oh my lord... Jeez, I think I gained some weight too, gosh I need to fix myself!" I sighed and ran my fingers through hair in frustration.

A loud groan left my lips, I shook my head and turned around to lock the door behind me but was shocked to see that Sunghoon was standing right in the doorway.

My eyes widened as I looked him right in the eyes, his brows were furrowed and his eyes were sad, he had clearly heard what I said.

"Hoon? What are you doing here?" I questioned my boyfriend, playing with the hem of his hoodie, not being able to keep myself calm and being scared of what he would think and say to me.

"Do not ever say that about yourself again babe... You hear me? Those haters really aren't worth your time, they are bullies and people who have nothing better to do with their days. You need not worry about their opinions because they do not matter at all. I, Park Sunghoon, love you, Bang Y/N, with my whole heart and soul and I could never live without you because you mean the absolute world to me" Sunghoon moved towards me and took my hands in his, caressing the back of my hands with his thumbs.

"I love you too Honnie" I finally looked up at him and gave him a thankful and grateful smile, being thankful for someone like him being in my life.

"How about we all go out today? You, me and the boys? Take your mind off of things because I know you are having problems at home right now and I know that you want to get away from school too, right babe?" Sunghoon offered me, I nodded my head, agreeing to his suggestion before I quickly walked past him and went into the shared closet, picking out an outfit to wear.

After I picked out an outfit to wear, Sunghoon's hoodie and a pair of black leggings, I put on my shoes and headed down to the lounge, seeing all of the boys alreayd there and waiting for me.

"Okay, I am ready to go now. Where are we going to go?" I asked the boys, going up to Sunghoon's side and intertwining my fingers with him, holding his hand securely.

"How baout we just go to the park nearby, grab some ice cream then we can all go back to the practice rooms. The managers said you could come and watch us practice today" Sunghoon smiled down at me and I nodded my head like a little toddler, smiling back up at him.

"Okay, great! let us all go then, shall we?" Heeseung took the honours of leaving the house first, everyone following behind him.

The eight of us walked all the way to the park, thankfully it was only about a ten minute walk from the house.

"Tag! Y/N noona is it!" Jungwon tapped my shoulder, Sunghoon let go of my hand and the seven teenage boys all ran away and scattered across the park.

I stood there dumbfounded for a moment before I started running after the slowest of the seven, Jay.

Jay wasn't exactly slow but he wasn't really into running from others, he prefered to chase us all around so he would always run slower to get caught, I was faster than all of the boys so I could have easily caught any one of them.

I quickly caught Jay and ran away from him as he attempted to catch up to me and catch me but he quickly gave up and started chasing after Heeseung because he saw him.

Before I could run anymore, my eyes caught a quick glimpse of the nearby river, a blanket, a picnic and fairylights all set up around the trees, it looked like the perfect date.

Me being the nosey person I am, walked over to see if anyone was there but there was no one.

I did, however, catch a glimpse of pictures, there were pictures pinned to the fairlights that hung beautifully off of the trees, I neared them and looked to see if I knew the people, you can bet that I definitely knew the two people.

Sunghoon and myself.

"You remember this? It was our first date, the day I asked you to be mine... That was all four years ago" Sunghoon's voice appeared from my side, he approached me and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Oh and we can't forget our latest date, we went to the pet cafe and you started begging me to get you a golden retriver" Sunghoon chuckled and I giggled as I remembered our little but meaningful date that we had a few days ago.

"Let's not forget the day you met my family, that was such a great day. Yeji and my mpther both didn't want you to ever leave, they wanted you to stay and live with us" Another laugh left both mine and Sunghoon's mouths as we recalled the funniest time we had ever had with his family.

I felt Sunghoon remove his arm from my waist and move away from my side but I didn't think anything of it and kept looking at all of the memories we had made together over the past four years.

"Y/N" I turned around to see Sunghoon on one knee and a black velvet box with a dimond ring inside it in his hands.

"Bang Y/N... The love of my life, my soulmate. I love you with everything I have and you make me the happiest man alive whenever we are together. You have been by my side through absolutely everything and anything and I hope we can continue to stay together until we die. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I could never ever see myself without you because you complete me... So, Bang Y/N, Will you marry me?" Sunghoon asked me the big question, all I could do was nod my head and cry.

He slipped the ring on my finger and picked me up, spinning me around whilst he kissed me passionately.

"Where are the boys?" I asked him quietly as he placed me back down on the floor.

"They helped me plan this but they've gone back to the dorms, we shall join them later tonight but after we've had our date. Now come" He took my hand and the two of us sat peacefully on the grass before we dug into the picnic and enjoyed our date together.


Remember that you are loved by so many people and you are perfect just the way you are, no matter what anyone else says! Love yourself before you love anyone else!

Do not forget to eat and drink, remember to rest and sleep enough everyone! I love you all so so much!

So- I have a new book out and it is called "I-Landers Lovers" and I am so excited to have finally published it because I am in love with it!

Much love from Nana❤️

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