Sass is my middle name

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I think everyone can take a good guess as to whom this will be... YOUR CORRECT ITS KIM SUNOO!! Enjoy reading! 🥰

"Yah! Who do you think your talking to?!" My older brother, Jay, yelled at me and I simply rolled my eyes at him and he scoffed at me.

"I am talking to my idiot of an elder brother, that's who I think I am talking to, dumbo" I spat at him, earning a few chuckled and snickers from the rest of his band members, including my very own boyfriend, Kim Sunoo.

"Yah! Watch your mouth young lady!" He raised his voice more at me and by this point, I had reached my boiling point.

"Will you stop yelling Jay!" I screamed at him in English, making the whole room go dead silent, none of the boys had EVER heard me yell before so this was a first, Jay was shocked because I rarely ever got angry and I never ever had yelled at him before.

"You yelled too though..." Jay mumbled under his breath but I heard him, if this was a cartoon, steam would be coming out of my ear by this point.

"Jay Park! How dare you! I am your younger sister who is just simply trying to take care of your health! And my boyfriends! Not to mention my best friends as well! So I suggest that you shut that big mouth of yours and you stop being so judgmental and rude to me!" At this point, I had lost it and just let myself go, I screamed and yelled at Jay, letting out all of my anger and frustration on him.

"Yah! I am older than you! Stop screaming!" Was the only thing Jay dared to say to me and I completely reached the tip of my anger.

"That's it! I am done! If I don't call or take care of you again! Blame yourself! Jackass!" I yelled one last time before I left the main room and went into the hallway, grabbing my shoes and quickly slipping them on before I ran out of the house and left them alone.

I didn't even look back once as I simply walked vastly down the streets and walked to my favourite park, taking a seat down on the grass and staring over the small river.

A loud sigh left my lips as I closed my eyes and looked at the sky, I felt bad for yelling at Jay, but I knew there was nothing I could do and he yelled first so I technically was allowed to yell back, I still felt horrible for doing it though.

"Noona? What are you doing in the park? Where's Jay Hyung or Sunoo Hyung?" I heard the familiar voice of my little brother, I snapped my head in the direction of his voice and I immediately saw him and my elder sister, I only sighed again.

"You argued with Jay again, didn't you?" My sister, Millie, asked me with a raised brow, I nodded my head and she took a seat next to me as she patted my back.

"I'm going to beat Jay Hyung up for you noona! Jay is not allowed to yell at you anymore!" My brother, Aaron, stuck his hands on his hips and pouted at me, a laugh escaping my lips as I looked down at the sassy eight year old, I patted his head.

"It's okay Aaron-shi, I am sure Unnie will give Jay oppa a good talking to" I turned my attention over to Millie and she was nodding her head aggressively before she stood up and took my hand as I took Aaron's hand.

The three of us walked back to the boys dorm and I opened the door, the three of us taking off our shoes and heading into the main room.

"Hey Y/N, Im really sorr-"

"Save it Mr Park Jongseong! How dare you yell at your little sister, again! That's the fifth time this month I've found her at that damn Park because you've argued with her!" Millie Unnie scolded him and his eyes widened, he was clearly very surprised to be seeing his two other siblings in the dorm.

"Boys, you better leave the room for a little, go into the bedroom please whilst I talk to Jay in the kitchen, look after Aaron for me please" Millie pushed Aaron to me and I took his hand as the two of us and the six other boys all walked into the bedroom, Sunoo guided me to his bed where the three of us sat down.

"Does Jay get scolded often by your sister?" Heeseung questioned me and Aaron laughed whilst nodding his head, I nodded too.

"He tends to yell a lot, which ends in Millie Unnie yelling at Jay for yelling at me and then she sometimes yells at me for over yelling at him" I explained to the six of them and they nodded along with me as they listened to my explanation.

"Over yelling? What's that?" Jake asked me with a raised eyebrow because he was very confused.

"Ah right! Well, it's simply just when we have a yelling battle and we keep yelling over each other, so we end up getting louder and louder, over yelling" I told them what it meant and they seemed to get the just of it, we all sat in silence as we listened to Millie scolding Jay.

"This wouldn't have happend if that idiot hadn't yelled in the first place, he never learns" I sassed and some of the boys laughed whilst others were a little surprised, Sunoo to be specific.

"Who knew you were so sassy, thats my role! Give it back to me!" Sunoo complained and I laughed at him as I thought of something I could say back to him.

"What? I ain't giving anything back until you give me my weave back!" I pointed out and that just made everyone in the room erupt into a fit of giggles, I had done my job and completed my mission, making the boys laugh and ease up as Millie scolded Jay.

"Okay, okay! Stop it with the sass baby!" Sunoo poked my side and I laughed but agreed to keeping the sass at a minimum.

"I guess sass is just my middle name!" I simply stated and that made all fo the boys erupt into yet another fit of giggles, they were in the floor, on their beds and all of them were holding their stomachs, letting out loud and obnoxious laughs.


Hey y'all! I hope you guys like this one and please look after yourselves and keep healthy!

Exams and tests are starting again for me so I might not be able to update everyday but I will try my best to!

I love you and remember to stay safe and healthy!

Love from Nana ❤️

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