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Jake Sim

I lived in a world where everyone had a soulmate mark, this mark was unique to everyone but two people, these two people would either find each other or they might never find each other.

Unfortunately for me, I was now eighteen and still hadn't found my soulmate, I had been looking for eight years now and every time I thought I found him, I would always be disappointed and heart broken.

Today was just like every single day of my life, get up, get changed and get ready for work.

(Her outfit)

I had just graduated from school and now I was working as a makeup artist for BigHit Entertainment, today the company has decided on moving me from working with TxT to now work with their new rookie group, Enhypen

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I had just graduated from school and now I was working as a makeup artist for BigHit Entertainment, today the company has decided on moving me from working with TxT to now work with their new rookie group, Enhypen.

I had been working with TxT since I was 16 and I was now 18 so I had worked with them for two years, I was close to some of the boys, so it made me sad that I had to leave them.

My legs took me all the way down the street, to my favourite coffee shop, where I bought two drinks, one for me and one for my best friend, Minyoung, who also happened to be working with Enhypen as their clothes stylist.

As I walked down the street, I saw the familiar figure of Minyoung, so I quickly caught up to her, startling her slightly but she calmed down after she noticed that it was only me by her side.

"Jeez! You scared me Y/N! Don't do that next time!" She lightly slapped my shoulder as I chuckled at her, I handed her the drinks and she thanked me as the two of us continued to walk down the street, making our way to the very large building that we both worked at.

"Good morning ladies, the boss has asked that the two of you make your way up to room 308, Enhypen and the other stylists are there, you will be receiving your information when you get there. Also, congratulations for your graduation Y/N" the lady at the front desk congratulated me and I bowed at her as she smiled at me before both Minyoung and I left and started making our way to room 308.

"Why did...They... have... to... be... so... damn...high....up?!" Minyoung asked me through heavy breaths and panting as we had to walk up the hundreds of stairs to actually get to the right floor which had room 308.

I only shrugged my shoulders as I wasn't even panting, I was fit and healthy so these stairs weren't really anything new to me.

"I am damn jealous that... you aren't even... tired from this!" Minyoung bent over and was breathing heavy as I only chuckled and grabbed her arm, taking her the rest of the way up the stairs and to the specific floor.

"Catch your breath back before we get to the room, otherwise you'll look silly" I quickly stated and she only slapped my arm as she caught her breath back and regained her posture, nodding her head for the two of us to continue our way down the hall and to the front of room 308.

Minyoung opened the door and the two of us entered, both Enhypen and TxT being in the room, along with many staff members, but not enough to attend to all of the boys at once.

"Y/N-shi! Your here! I feel like it's been years! Congratulations on your graduation by the way!" Huening Kai came up to me and gave me a hug as he congratulated me, I smiled up at him and nodded my head before pulling away from the hug and bowing.

Both Minyoung and I made our way over to the head stylist and stood with her, waiting for her to tell us what we were going to do.

"We are short staffed today so I need Minyoung to do Yeonjun, Sunoo, Ni-ki, Beomgyu, Kai and Jay's makeup, hair and help them with their outfits. Y/N, I need to you to do Jake, Taehyun, Soobin, Sunghoon, Heeseung and Jungwon's makeup please" She instructed the two of us and we nodded, getting started right away as we both had a lot to do and all of it with little time.

I immediately went over to the familiar faces and got to work on doing Taehyun and Soobin's makeup, of course talking to them as I did so, which was sometimes a little distracting but they were soon quiet if they knew they were talking too much.

After a while of doing many different peoples makeup, I was finally on the last person of the day, Jake.

"Hi, sorry that I took so long" I apologised to him as he only smiled and waved, signalling that it was alright and I shouldn't worry about it.

I got everything I needed and got straight to work on Jakes face, but something was weird with him, he kept looking at my wrist, specifically my soulmate marking and that's when it hit me.

"J-Jake? Can I s-see your wrist please?" I politely asked him and he nodded slowly, rolling up his sleeve and I gasped, covering my mouth with my hand as I stood up straight.

Jake quickly stood up on his feet and pulled me in for a tight hug, all eyes were now on the two of us, almost everyone looking at us with the most confused faces I had ever seen.

"What is going on?" Jungwon asked the two of us and Jake backed away from the hug, my hand was still over my mouth and my eyes were still wide as I was still on shock.

"She is my soulmate Jungwon-ah! I finally found my soulmate!" Jake beamed with so much joy and excitement, at this point Minyoung had come over to me and engulfed me in a hug too.

"I am so happy for you babe! I can't believe you finally will have a boyfriend!" She shouted out in excitement and I slapped her arm as she giggled at me.

"Okay, okay! Let's stop this silliness and get back to work, especially you!" I pointed at Minyoung, she rolled her eyes and me and stuck her tongue out before she left me alone and went back over to Jay, finishing off his makeup as I told Jake to sit back down to I could finish his own makeup.

"You are really pretty, you know that?" He complimented me and I looked down, my cheeks heating up and I giggled at him.

"Thank you Jake, you are very handsome yourself" I complimented him back, causing a cute little giggle to escape from his mouth as he did so.

I only fell in love with him even more.


This one was a little shorter than the other two but I hope you guys did enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing this one?

Have a fabulous day/night and remember to eat and drink plenty! Don't forget to get the right amount of sleep!

Love from Nana❤️

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