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Of course! I really just had to make one of the fanfics with this title for Jay because its too tempting! 🥰

"I am so bored! Can we please play a game or soemthing?!" I whined as the boys continued to play there video games, Jake and Sunghoon agreeing with me.

The three of us wer left out as the rest of the boys played their games, playing with each other and completely ignoring the three of us, even when we yelled or whine at them.

"Oh! I have an idea! Let's go to my house!" I offered the two boys and they looked at each other before they agreed and got up, the three of us put our shoes on before we put out jackets on.

"Where are you three going?" Heeseung raised an eyebrow at us whilst we exchanged glances.

"We are just gonna grab something from mine then head to the shop, you guys want anything?" I quickly half lied as they all looked to each other, the five of them giving answers to what they all wanted.

I put down what everyone wanted in my notes and Jake, Sunghoon and I all left the house and headed down the street back to my house, where my two cousins and older siblings were.

"Hey Y/N- oh hi Jake, Sunghoon. What brings you two here?" My brother, Jungwoo asked and my two older sisters and cousins also came into the lounge.

"Our baby sister!" My two elder twin sisters came running towards me and englufed me in a tight hug, basically squeezing all of the air out of me before they finally let me go.

"Okay, Jake, Sunghoon. This is two eldest sister, Yeji and Yena, this is my elder brother Jungwoo and my two older cousins, Hyuna and Mingyu. Guys, this is Jake and Sunghoon" I introduced eveyone and they all greeted each other and bowed at each other.

"It's lovely to meet you boys but- why's re the three of you here? Y/N, your normal at the boys dorms and your never here, what brings you home?" Yena asked me, leaning against the door framed with her arms crossed and a raised brow, I sighed and shrugged my shoulders.

"The rest of the boys are playing video games and ignoring us so we decided to come here, how about we play truth or dare?" I suggested and eveyone seemed to agree with me so we all took a seat, sitting in a circle as we got ourselves ready to play.

"Okay! I am going first, Y/N? Truth or dare?" Jungwoo asked me with a smirk and I thought about it for a second beofre I chuckled.

"Dare!" I told him confidently but his evil smirk mad eye gulp.

"I dare you to burn your neck with your curling iron" he dared me and I whined beofre sighing and getting up, Yeji and Yena both followed me because they said they would record it to prove that I did it, then they would help me attend to the burn.

I plugged my curlers in and waited for them to heat up before I picked them up, Yena clicking the record button as I placed the iron on my neck, screaming in pain.

Yeji quickly turned it off and rushed me I to the bathroom, wetting s cloth and placing it on my neck.

The three of us walked back down I to the lounge and sat back down in the circle, the girls showing Jungwoo the video and I showed him my burn mark, he nodded in satisfaction.

"Sunghoon, truth or dare?" I turned my attention onto Sunghoon and he looked at the floor, thinking of his answer.

"Truth" he quietly mumbled and I had to think of a truth.

"Is it true that you have a huge crush on my best friend, Lila?" I asked him, he audibly gulped and I knew the answer but I wanted to hear him say it.

"Dare" he quickly turned to change it but I only laughed day him.

"I dare you to tell me if you have a crush on Lila or not" I was smart about it and he groaned in annoyance before he nodded his head sheepishly and fiddled with the hem of his shirt.

We played a few more rounds before it became late, the boys and I bid everyone goodbye before we left the house and headed back to the dorms, forgetting to go to the shops.

"Where have you three been?! It's been six hours!" Heeseung interrogated us as we walked through the door and took our shoes off.

"We stopped past my house but my siblings and cousins were there so we played truth or dare with them for a few hours" I explained and Heeseung nodded and he understood but Jay, Jay seemed to be really angry.

"Babe? What's wrong?" I asked him and moved closer to him, I tried to grab his hand but he batted it away and sat himself down on the couch.

"Dont touch me! You may have played games but I bet you let one of them give you a damn hickey for a dare, didn't you?!" Jay yelled at, quickly standing up and towering over me, I was confused and had no idea what he was talking about.

"Hyung, calm down. It's just a burn mark" Sunghoon tired to reassure Jay about the situation but it didn't work, he only got more mad.

I had finally understood the situation and began laughing as I took out my phone and got the video.

"Why are you laughing right now?! What is-" Jay stopped talking and watched the video, he stopped being angry and he wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his face into the crook of my neck.

"Resentment, anger and Shame" I commented and the rest of the boys bust out into a fit of laughter as Jay whined into my neck.

He pulled away and pouted at me beofre I picked his lips and skipped over to the couch, taking a seat down next to Sunoo.

"Nah ah! I am sitting next to you" Jay squeezed his ass to sit in between Sunoo and I as we let out a laugh of amusement.

"I can't believe your brother made you burn yourself though, that's cruel" Sunoo commented and I nodded my head as I cuddled up next to Jay, placing my head on his shoulder as he placed his arm around my waist.

We sat there for hours, talking and also doing nothing but enjoying each other's presence.


Okay! Here is Jays one completed and the only person left is Heeseungie! You'll all get to read his one tomorrow and I hope y'all like this one!

Enjoy the rest of your day or night and stay safe and healthy! I love you all so so much!

Remember that you are worth it and so many people love you!

Love from Nana ❤️

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